Useful tips

Can a lightsaber cut through a sword?

Can a lightsaber cut through a sword?

The blade of a lightsaber can cut through virtually anything, except for another lightsaber and some substances that appear in the Expanded Universe stories.

What weapons can block lightsabers?

Every Star Wars Material That Can Block Lightsabers

  • Beskar. The most well-known example of a lightsaber-resistant material, beskar is inexorably tied to Mandalorian culture.
  • Zillo Beast Hide.
  • Elite Praetorian Guard Armor and Weapons.
  • Cortosis.
  • Phrik.
  • Neuranium.
  • Orbalisk Carapace.
  • Yuuzhan Vong Weapons and Armor.

What can’t a lightsaber cut through Beskar?

The Darksaber may be a fearsome weapon, but it cannot cut through beskar, which is the most resilient metal in the Star Wars universe and also Mandalorian-made. It is currently unknown if the Darksaber hilt is imbued with beskar, which would make it even more mighty in the eyes of the Mandalorians.

How can Beskar withstand a lightsaber?

In Legends, possibly. High quality beskar was completely impervious to lightsaber strikes (Exar Kun himself stated this as he tried to break through a beskar wall and failed miserably). However, beskar was relatively heavy and extremely expensive, so most of the useful beskar armour during those times where alloys.

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Did the Sith use lightsabers in the Star Wars era?

Despite the advancements in lightsaber technology apparently pioneered by the Sith, most Dark Lords of the era spurned the use of lightsabers in favor of Sith swords. “A lightsaber is an interesting weapon.

Are lightsabers the coolest weapons in Star Wars?

They might be a more elegant weapon for a more civilized age, but lightsabers are not the be-all, end-all weapons of the galaxy. Sure, they’re probably the coolest as they’re portable and require special individuals to wield, but many other Star Wars combatants have proven that other weapons can do just as fine, sometimes even better.

Can beskar steel withstand a lightsaber?

One of the few things in the galaxy that can withstand lightsabers is Beskar steel. These are precious Mandalorian metals that were used for their armor and some of their weapons. As was shown in The Mandalorian, even a simple weapon like a spear but made out of Beskar can easily best a lightsaber.

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Can a lightsaber be stopped by another lightsaber?

We know as a fact that, a lightsaber (during a fight) can be stopped by another lightsaber and also I remember two more Imperial weapons that were able to stop a lightsaber.