
Is it correct to say hundreds?

Is it correct to say hundreds?

Both the words ‘hundred’ and ‘hundreds’ are correct. As a noun ‘hundred’ means ‘ a number equal to 10 times 10’.. Being a noun plural form is ‘hundreds’..But simply ‘ hundred’ is also acceptable.. You can say ‘ three hundred’ or ‘three hundreds’..

Is it five hundred or hundreds?

Numbers in English

Number Cardinal Ordinal
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth

Is hundreds singular or plural?

The plural form of hundred is hundreds.

Do you say one hundred or a hundred?

We use “one hundred” when we want to emphasize that it is “one hundred” and not “two hundred” or “three hundred,” or something more. If the “one” is not important, we usually say “a hundred”—as in “There were about a hundred people in the room,” or “I’ve told you a hundred times to stop doing that!”

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What’s the difference between hundreds and hundredths?

A hundredth is the reciprocal of 100. A hundredth is written as a decimal fraction as 0.01, and as a vulgar fraction as 1/100. “Hundredth” is also the ordinal number that follows “ninety-ninth” and precedes “hundred and first.” It is written as 100th.

Why do we say a hundred?

The dictionary on my MacBook gives a definition of a that I thought best expresses why we can say either one hundred or a hundred. Basically, that means that a and one to have the same meaning before a unit of measure. The unit of measure with we are talking about today is the unit of hundred.

What is the difference between hundreds and hundred?

hundred without a final “s” on “hundred.”Hundreds (of…) can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds, except when an amount of money is mentioned:Four hundred (people) are expected to attend.

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What is the proper plural is hundred?

What is the difference between hundreds and hundreds?

Member. That is correct. In compound numerals, ‘hundred’ and ‘thousand’ stay invariable: three hundred, two thousand nine hundred etc. The plural is only used to show a large but approximate quantity: hundreds of people, thousands of cars, hundreds of thousands of ants etc.

What is the difference between one hundred and hundred?

Well, there is little difference in meaning between one hundred and a hundred. Basically, that means that a and one to have the same meaning before a unit of measure.

What does the hundreds place mean?

: the place three to the left of the decimal point in a number expressed in the Arabic system of notation.

How do you say there are two hundreds of students?

If you want to use ‘hundreds’, then you must say it like this: ‘There are two hundreds OF students…’ which implies that students inevitably come in groups of 100 each, and you happen to have two of those bundles of students assembled in front of the building.

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5 Rules for Building a Grammatically Correct Sentence The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete… Two complete sentences cannot be joined without proper punctuation. Such a mistake is called a run-on sentence. Even if… The

Which is correct hundred or hundreds?

Both the words ‘hundred’ and ‘hundreds’ are correct. As a noun ‘hundred’ means ‘ a number equal to 10 times 10’.. Being a noun plural form is ‘hundreds’..But simply ‘ hundred’ is also acceptable..

Is it correct to say there are two hundred dollars?

“There are two hundred dollars.” Since “two hundred dollars” is plural, you must use “are”. You may be able to use “There’s two hundred dollars” with “there is” turned into “there’s”. However, I’m not sure if that is grammatically correct since it technically means “There is two hundred dollars.”