
Is action is always equal to reaction explain why a cart pulled by a horse can be moved?

Is action is always equal to reaction explain why a cart pulled by a horse can be moved?

According to Newton’s third law of motion, action force is equal to reaction but acts on two different bodies and in opposite directions. When a horse pushes the ground, the ground reacts and exerts a force on the horse in the forward direction. This force is able to overcome friction force of the cart and it moves.

What is the force that causes the cart to move forward?

The force in turn pulls the cart as the horse moves forward. So, the movement of the horse is due to the force exerted by the ground. This force is known as friction force.

When a horse pulls on a cart the cart pulls on the horse with an equal but opposite force How is the horse able to pull the cart?

If the horse starts walking forward, the cart also accelerates in the forward direction. If the horse pulls the cart with force Fh in forward direction, then according to Newton’s third law, the cart also pulls the horse by equivalent opposite force Fc=Fh in backward direction. Then total force on cart+horse’ is zero.

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Are action reaction forces always equal?

Formally stated, Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

How can a horse pull a cart if action is always equal to reaction?

According to Newton’s third law of motion, a reaction force is exerted on the horse in the forward direction. An equal force in the opposite direction (forward direction) is applied on the horse by the Earth. This force moves the horse and the cart forward. As a result, the cart moves forward.

When horse pulls a cart the action is on the cart?

If the horse tries to pull the cart, the horse must exert a force on the cart. By Newton’s third law the cart must then exert an equal and opposite force on the horse. Newton’s second law tells us that acceleration is equal to the net force divided by the mass of the system.

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When horse pulls the cart the action is on?

What force is used in pulling cart?

The forces on the cart include the forward force the horse exerts on the cart and the backward force due to friction at the ground, acting on the wheels….

When a horse pulls the cart on action?

How can a horse pull a cart of action and reaction is equal?

How does action force differ from reaction force?

Forces only come in action-reaction pairs. The reaction force is what makes you move because it acts on you. Newton’s Third Law of Motion explains that forces always come in action-reaction pairs. The Third Law states that for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force.

Why do action and reaction not balance each other?

Newton’s third law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means that forces always act in pairs. Action and reaction forces are equal and opposite, but they are not balanced forces because they act on different objects so they don’t cancel out.

Which force is responsible for the movement of the cart?

The force applied on horse by cart is responsible for the movement of cart. Action is equal to reaction but the two forces act on two different bodies hence, they do not cancel the effect of each other. The force acting on horse determines whether the cart will be pulled by it or not.

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How is a cart pulled by a horse?

In order to pull the cart horse pushes the ground with its foot in the backward direction by pressing the ground. As a reaction of this force, the ground pushes the horse in forward direction. As a result the cart is pulled by the horse in the forward direction. Answer verified by Toppr

Why does the cart move forward?

As a result, the cart moves forward. Newton’s third law of motion states that when one body exerts a force on the other body, the first body experiences a force equal in magnitude in the opposite direction of the force exerted.

Why do Action Force and reaction force not get cancelled?

The boad exerts an equal force on the man in opposite direction. THe man lands on the shore. Give scientific reason . Even though the magnitudes of action force and reaction force are equal and their direction are opposite, their effects do not get cancelled.