
Is revenge a good villain motivation?

Is revenge a good villain motivation?

Revenge can be an excellent motive for a villain- they have been hurt or slighted (whether intentional or not) and now their goal is to make the ones who have hurt them pay.

What is a vengeful villain?

Vengeful villains or Seekers of Vengeance are villains who commit their crimes under the premise of vengeance (also called retribution or revenge), whether it be for a wrong committed against them or their people/race, something done to hurt their friends/families, a heroic action that caused them great loss, a …

Can a hero fall in love with a villain?

Heroes are known to fall in love with other heroes on TV but every once in a while, they fall for the villain, which makes for captivating drama. Interestingly, it’s almost never the case that antagonists actively seduce protagonists when it comes to love — it’s usually the latter’s decision.

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Does a villain need a motive?

Villains enrich your story by providing obstacles for your hero to overcome. In the same way that your protagonist’s wants and desires should be clear, your villain should have well-defined motivations to help the reader better understand the root cause of their villainy.

What is the purpose of villains?

Villains in fiction commonly function in the dual role of adversary and foil to a story’s heroes. In their role as an adversary, the villain serves as an obstacle the hero must struggle to overcome.

Does Vicious or Vengeful come first?

Vengeful starts off five years after the events of Vicious, which changed the world relating to EO’s.

Why do I crush on villains?

Another way of looking at attraction toward evil characters is scientific. We are interested in “bad” because it is exciting and it instills fear. The feeling of fear produces chemicals such as endorphins and adrenaline, which are usually associated with love.

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Why are villains better than heroes?

Better villain equals better hero: A hero only appears as heroic as the challenge he or she must overcome. Great heroes require great villains: Without criminals, Batman has nobody to hit and Superman’s a flying rescue worker searching for people to save from wrecks and natural disasters.

What motivates villains to be evil?

A really good villain has a motivation for being evil… some even have two or three. Here are some of the most common: Spread Hate and Fear: Some villains want to make the world a little bit worse.

Who is the Hate-Monger in Marvel Comics?

Marvel Comics has a villain called the Hate-Monger who tries to spread hate and bigotry. By the time the heroes arrive to stop him, there are riots in the streets and the city is in flames. This is an excellent goal for low-powered supervillains in politically-themed campaigns.

What makes a villain go too far?

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The villain wants to be left alone, but something (or someone) drags him into the campaign. When he is pushed too far, he attacks. Usually, the villain has cosmic powers — and a cosmic lifestyle. The Gardener (from Marvel, again) was content to tend his gardens on other planets until he became involved in some superhero’s adventures.