What should I ask my Alpha reader?

What should I ask my Alpha reader?

Example Questions Typically, questions you may want to ask should revolve around plot holes, believability, fact-checking, underdeveloped characters, originality, dialogue, pace and overall structure. Here are a few examples of questions you can provide to alpha readers.

Can beta readers steal your book?

First-time authors may not have the luxury of enthusiastic fans who are prepared to beta read their manuscripts for free. So invariably they fall back on family and friends to read their work. A beta reader cannot legally steal your words once they are set down.

How do you read a beta book?

How to Be a Great Beta Reader and Give Helpful Feedback

  1. Understand the author’s goals of this round of feedback.
  2. Let the author know if you’re not in her target audience.
  3. Keep a notebook next to you at all times.
  4. Provide macro and micro feedback.
  5. Try to understand character’s motivations.
  6. Make sure the main character changes.
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How much should I pay a beta reader?

Most beta readers are not paid for their services. However, you should send your beta readers a free copy of your finished book, whether in the form of a hardcover or an eBook. It’s also a nice gesture to autograph the copy.

How do you ask a question about a novel?

20 questions to ask about a book you’ve read

  1. Explain the title.
  2. What category or genre do you think it fits into?
  3. What do you think the author’s purpose was?
  4. Something you liked about it.
  5. Something you disliked about it.
  6. Describe the setting.
  7. Which character did you like most?
  8. Which character did you like least?

What are good questions to ask an author about a book?

10 Questions Every Author Should Be Ready To Answer

  • What inspired you to write this book?
  • Can you tell me about the book?
  • What did you learn when writing the book?
  • What surprised you the most?
  • What does the title mean?
  • What did the subject(s) of the book think of it?
  • What are the subject(s) doing now?
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Should you pay beta readers?

Do You Pay Beta Readers? Most beta readers are not paid for their services. However, you should send your beta readers a free copy of your finished book, whether in the form of a hardcover or an eBook. It’s also a nice gesture to autograph the copy.

How many questions should you ask your readers before writing?

Jodie Renner a world class editor suggests having your readers ask these 15 questions (these questions adapted from James Scott Bell’s book How to Write Pulp Fiction). This will eliminate unnecessary critique, find you solid first readers, and make your work all the better.

Should beta/first readers be writers?

Rule #1: Beta/First readers should not be writers (if possible). Writer s critique work with a writer’s eye, not a reader’s eye. Writers will say things like: …if I was writing the book, I would… Well, you didn’t write the book, I did, so shut your mouth.

What qualities should you look for in beta readers?

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Some qualities to keep an eye out for in potential beta readers are: They won’t try to “fix” your story; they will simply consume it at face value. They are typically readers of your genre. They fall inside your target demographic. They will be honest with you about how the story makes them feel; what parts they like and what parts they don’t.

What is the difference between a beta reader and a critique partner?

It’s important to draw a distinction between beta readers and critique partners. Critique partners are usually people who know a thing or two about writing craft and story structure, and who can help you look at your work more critically and objectively. They are the people you go to for help in solving your story’s problems.