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Is Baltic Sea toxic?

Is Baltic Sea toxic?

Fish from some areas of the Baltic Sea are so contaminated that they may be too toxic for EU markets, warns WWF. The level of brominated flame retardants (PBDEs) found in herring is 5 times higher in the Baltic Sea than in the Atlantic. But it is not only the fish that is contaminated.

What fish are in the Baltic Sea?

The fish include marine species like cod (Gadus morhua), sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and herring (Clupea harengus), freshwater species like pike (Esox lucius) and perch (Perca fluviatilis), and species that live part of their lives in the sea and part in freshwater like Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), sea trout (Salmo …

Is there sharks in Germany?

Because of Germany’s position on the saltier end of the Baltic Sea, many of the shark, ray and chimaera species described in the report can be found off the German coast. One shark well known in Germany for which the scientific advice is clear is the spurdog, or spiny dogfish.

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Are there sharks in the Netherlands?

Shark species in the North Sea, which are completely harmless, are common along the Dutch coast and even in the Oosterschelde estuary, and other estuaries of the North Sea, where recreation is widespread. Only 15\% of people will avoid a holiday destination that is known for the occurrence of sharks.

How dirty is the Baltic Sea?

The Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in the world. There are many rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea which carry waste from the centres of population, from industry as well as from agriculture into the sea.

Are there sharks in Baltic Sea?

Distribution: Contrary to popular belief, there are sharks in the Baltic Sea. In fact, 31 species of sharks and closely related skates, rays and chimaeras (collectively known as cartilaginous fishes) have been recorded in this area.

Is the Baltic Sea good for fishing?

For many fishes, the slightly salty water conditions result in an increased growth rate and many record-sized fish being caught in the sea basin during the years, perhaps most notably large specimen of sea trout, salmon and pike. The Baltic Sea is often pointed out as a good example of the EU environmental management.

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Are Sharks in the Baltic Sea?

Is there salmon in Germany?

Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) once was a common fish in German rivers. As a consequence the salmon populations drastically decreased and finally became extinct by the middle of the last century. About 20 years later, in 1978, the first salmon was released in an attempt to re-establish this valuable species.

How deep is the Baltic?

1,506′Baltic Sea / Max depth

What sea do great white sharks live?

The great white shark lives in the coastal waters of almost all oceans and seas, where the water temperature is 12 to 24 °C. This species can be found more often in the US on the north-eastern coast of California, South Africa, South Australia, Japan, near some islands in Oceania, Chile and the Mediterranean Sea.

Do sharks live in the Baltic Sea?

Contrary to popular belief, there are sharks in the Baltic Sea. In fact, 31 species of sharks and closely related skates, rays and chimaeras (collectively known as cartilaginous fishes) have been recorded in this area. Even the immense, filter-feeding basking shark, which can grow up to 10m long, is found here.

Are there any dangerous animals in the Baltic Sea?

Fire jellyfish are also among the dangerous animals of the Baltic Sea. These animals are also poisonous to humans. Especially the tentacles of the fire jellyfish contain poison, which is absorbed through the skin. It then causes severe burning pain.

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What is the best fishing in the Baltic Sea?

Pike (Esox Lucius) fishing in the Baltic Sea is world-famous thanks to the large number of outsize individuals. Fish weighing over 10 kilos are an annual occurrence, and fish surpassing 20 kilos have also been caught. The most famous catch in Swedish waters was made by Fehmi Varli on June 17, 1986, in Ulvsundet, Järnafjärden, outside Södertälje.

Where do salmon live in the Baltic Sea?

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were previously found in most of the larger waterways that flow into the Baltic Sea. During the 20th century, their numbers dropped significantly as a result of constructions of hydropower installations.

Are there any Sharks in the Baltic Sea?

Porbeagle sharks are known as very fast and persistent swimmers. This alone makes it one of the most impressive sharks in the Baltic Sea. There are also several known cases of attacks on humans by the porbeagle in Europe. The porbeagle has also attacked people in the Baltic Sea, but a fatal attack has not yet occurred.