
Can Yoda beat General Grievous?

Can Yoda beat General Grievous?

Yoda wins. Both Count Dooku and Mace Windu could beat Grievous and even Obi Wan beat Grievous. Yoda is the strongest user of the light side POSSIBLY Luke is stronger than Yoda but Yoda easily beats Grievous.

Did Windu fight Dooku?

Star Wars: How Mace Windu and Count Dooku Officially Fought for the First Time. Although they never battled in a live-action Star War movie, Jedi Master Windu and Count Dooku crossed lightsaber blades during the Clone Wars.

What did Mace Windu do to grevious?

Mace Windu using Force Crush on Grievous. Grievous turns to face him, igniting four lightsabers, but Windu uses the Force to crush the chest plates protecting the General’s organs.

Who has defeated Grievous?

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10 Jedi Who General Grievous Defeated

  1. 1 Shaak Ti.
  2. 2 Foul Moudama.
  3. 3 Roron Corobb.
  4. 4 Adi Gallia.
  5. 5 Depa Billaba.
  6. 6 Eeth Koth.
  7. 7 Nahdar Vebb.
  8. 8 K’Khruhk.

Who beat Dooku?

“Kill him now,” Palpatine commanded. Dooku looked to the Chancellor in disbelief, then to Anakin. His expression betrayed a new understanding of what had transpired, but it was a fleeting moment; Anakin decapitated Dooku with one swift motion.

Can Yoda beat Dooku or Mace Windu?

Yoda can beat either in a fairly hard fought battle but he isn’t beating both at once. Dooku would be considerably out of his league but Mace is here to carry. With Dooku’s help, they winsolidly. Mace and Yoda are evenly matched with Yoda having a slight edge. Dooku’s skill and lightning provides the edge Mace needs to win.

Is Count Dooku prepared to kill Master Windu?

Dooku is perfectly prepared to kill Master Windu. Windu prefers that Dooku live, but will resort to lethal mesures if necessary. The fight takes place in the Jedi Temple, but no other Jedi are around.

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Who would win in a lightsaber duel Mace mace or Dooku?

Both attributes are useful in a saber duel, though Dooku might be particularly more susceptible to a master force user or a powerful fighter. If it is the latter, Mace would win. If Windu did indeed beat Sidious, and Sidious could beat Dooku, Windu could beat Dooku.

Is Dooku a good match for Sidious?

Lastly, Dooku was more than a match for Sidious as well. This is a fact that Sidious understood well as he had no intention of ever challenging Dooku outright. It might prove bad for his health. Dooku beat Windu, Windu beat Sidious, Sidious servived Yoda.