
Did Anakin respect Mace Windu?

Did Anakin respect Mace Windu?

Mace Windu had no interest in training Anakin when he first arrived, and regarded him with distrust through his entire career. Anakin respected Windu’s power, but his trust in the Jedi was slowly shaken, in part due to Palpatine’s machinations.

Is Mace Windu a jerk?

Mace Windu is basically a jerk in a brown robe. He’s arrogant, stand-offish and a bully. The fact he’s a Jedi and hasn’t fallen to the Dark Side with his apparent anger and short temper is a mystery. Mace Windu may be a powerful Jedi who ranks right up there with Yoda, but he’s a pretty bland character overall.

Why did the Jedi not trust Anakin?

Anakin was The Chosen One and proved himself as a great Jedi Knight, but because of his passionate emotions and place in the prophecy, many on the Council didn’t trust him. Because of this, they didn’t give Anakin the attention he needed when he was falling and didn’t respect him as they would other Jedi Knights.

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Was Windu a good Jedi?

Mace Windu however had a greater force aptitude and more lightsaber skills, so he was more powerful. Yes. Mace Windu was the strongest Jedi as of the clone wars. However, remember that Yoda was 800+ years at this time.

Was Anakin justified?

Yes he is totally justified in what he did. And yet he was still wrong. He is a Jedi he is one of the guardians of truth and justice in the galaxy. He is in effect an office of the law for the republic with a duty and a moral obligation to protect the people who can not protect themselves.

Why was Mace Windu a hero to Anakin Skywalker?

Longing to become a Jedi Master and proving himself worthy in battle, Anakin was shut down one too many times by the Jedi Council and Darth Sidious (Palpatine) undoubtedly understood Anakin’s frustration. Mace Windu was a hero to Anakin, and understandably so. He was so attuned to the Force, was so powerful, and was so wise beyond his years.

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Why did Anakin Skywalker turn to the Dark Side?

As Anakin’s powers grew, Mace Windu’s respect for Anakin grew, but his trust never did. It is that lack of trust that I believe provided the final tipping of the scales for Anakin to turn to the dark side of the force.

What did Anakin Trust about Windu?

Anakin trusted his feelings and his heart. Windu trusted his knowledge of the Force and logic. Windu was so rigid that he finally pushed Anakin over the edge, and Anakin knew that he was, if even just for that moment when he was denied the rank of Jedi Master, hitting his ceiling as a Jedi.

Why does Anakin question mace during the arrest attempt at Palpatine?

During the arrest attempt, Mace disarms and corners Palpatine. After Anakin Skywalker walks in, Mace starts to believe that it’s better to kill Palpatine than it is to arrest him. “Too Dangerous to live”. Anakin questions Mace, because “this is not the Jedi way.”