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What was the most advanced ancient civilization?

What was the most advanced ancient civilization?

7 Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations in the World

  • Ancient China 2100 – 221 BC.
  • Ancient Egypt 3150 – 31 BC.
  • Inca Civilization 1200 – 1542 AD (Modern day Peru)
  • Ancient Greece 800 BC – 146 BC.
  • Maya Civilization 2000 BC – early 16th Century (Modern day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras)

Was ancient Rome more advanced than the Middle Ages?

Originally Answered: Were Romans more advanced than the Middle Ages? Broadly speaking, the Romans were leas advanced than the later Middle Ages. *In metallurgy, the Romans definitely lagged the late Middle Ages. Later Middle Ages were age to produce iron and steel in higher quantities.

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What is an advanced civilization?

an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached. those people or nations that have reached such a state. any type of culture, society, etc., of a specific place, time, or group: Greek civilization.

Which civilization was the most advanced society in 1500?

Equally impressive in the year 1500 were the achievements of Islamic civilization. Starting in the 7th century, the Islamic empire spread rapidly until it sprawled across three continents: Europe, Asia — and Africa. The Muslims unified their enormous empire around a single faith, Islam — and a single language, Arabic.

What happened or took place during the ancient and Middle Ages on Science Technology & Society?

The period saw major technological advances, including the adoption of gunpowder, the invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, and greatly improved water mills, building techniques (Gothic architecture, medieval castles), and agriculture in general (three-field crop rotation).

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Why was the Roman Empire so advanced?

The Roman Empire became as advanced as it was because of easy communication across the whole of the empire, which covered a truly vast area with people of many different cultures, this made ideas easy to spread, which brought different ideas together at the right time, and with the easy access to materials, that made …

How did the Romans become so advanced?

The Romans achieved high levels of technology in large part because they borrowed technologies from the Greeks, Etruscans, Celts, and others.

How far back in time do we know of advanced civilizations?

If we were to look back further back in time, over 10,000 years, we would encounter evidence of advanced civilizations that possibly predate the Pre-Inca, Olmec, and Ancient Egyptian civilization, not to mention other advanced ancient civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.

What are some examples of advanced ancient civilizations disappearing?

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One of the best examples of advanced ancient civilizations disappearing can be found in Mesoamerica. If we take a look at the ancient Maya who were an extremely advanced ancient civilization we find that several factors played a crucial role for this once great empire to crumble eventually.

Could there have been other civilizations before humans?

While we have looked in our previous points at what might happen if our civilization was to face a sudden, life-ending disaster in order to prove, at least in theory, that other civilizations very much could have existed before our recorded history, it is also worth looking back at known ancient civilizations.

Did the Egyptians take over the remnants of an ancient civilization?

To some researchers, who are very much shunned by most mainstream experts, this suggests that the Egyptians “took over” the remnants of an ancient, “lost” civilization.