
What is the angle of 1 pm?

What is the angle of 1 pm?

So the angle between the hands of a clock at 1 o’clock is 30° . Note: It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about 1 am or 1 pm, the answer is exactly the same for both. The angle between the hands at 1 o’clock could also be given as the reflex angle 330°, but we will always give the smaller (acute or obtuse) angle.

Is 2 o’clock acute angle?

For example, 2 o’ Clock. The hour hand and the minute hand forming an acute angle at 2 o’ Clock. At least two angles of any triangle are acute angles. In a 180˚angle, if one angle is obtuse (more than 90˚), the other will always be an acute angle (less than 90˚).

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What angle is 3pm?

The number of degrees in the angle between the hour and minute hand on a round clock at 3pm is 90°. Since a round clock is a circle, we know that…

What is the angle of 5 pm?

Now when the time is 5 o’clock, there are five sectors between the minute hand and the hour hand. ∴The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand at 5 o’clock is 150∘.

What is angle time?

Clock angle problems relate two different measurements: angles and time. The angle is typically measured in degrees from the mark of number 12 clockwise. The time is usually based on a 12-hour clock. A method to solve such problems is to consider the rate of change of the angle in degrees per minute.

What angle is 60?

60 degree angle is an acute angle, as angles smaller than a right angle (less than 90°) are called acute angles.

How many degrees are there in two right angles?

90° (degrees) π2 radians or τ4 rad. 100 grad (also called grade, gradian, or gon)

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What angle is 9pm?

Hence, 90∘ and 270∘ are two angles between minutes and hour hand at 9 o’clock.

What is the time between 7 and 8?

Therefore, between 7 and 8 O’clock, the time in which both the hands are 180° apart is 5 min past 7. Hence, the correct answer is “5 min past 7”.

What is the angle between 3 40?

Therefore at 3:40 the angle between hour and minute hands = 240 – 110 = 130 degrees.

What is the angle between 2pm and 12pm?

A circle is 360º, 5 minutes passed is 30º, there are two 5-minute gaps between the minute hand on 12 and hour hand on 2. Therefore, the angle is 60º. At 2 PM,the hour hand is on 2 and minute hand is on 12. The angle between two adjacent numbers is 30 degrees.

What is the angle between the hour and the minute hand?

Answer: At 2 PM, there is 60 degrees angle between the hour and minute hand. The angle between any two divisions is 30º.

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What is the angle between 12 and 3 degrees?

Between the hands of 12 and 3, the measure of angle is 90 Deg. So between 2 consecutive hands (say 12 to 1, 1 to 2, etc) the angle is 30 degrees. So the answer is 60 degrees A circle is 360º, 5 minutes passed is 30º, there are two 5-minute gaps between the minute hand on 12 and hour hand on 2. Therefore, the angle is 60º.

What is the angle between 2 and 3 on the clock?

The distance between the 2 and the 3 on the clock is 30°. One has to account, however, for the 10 minutes that have passed. 10 minutes is 1/6 of an hour so the hour hand has also moved 1/6 of the distance between the 3 and the 4, which adds 5° (1/6 of 30°). The total measure of the angle, therefore, is 35°.