Why were the Romans considered so advanced?

Why were the Romans considered so advanced?

The Roman Empire became as advanced as it was because of easy communication across the whole of the empire, which covered a truly vast area with people of many different cultures, this made ideas easy to spread, which brought different ideas together at the right time, and with the easy access to materials, that made …

What lasting effects did the Romans have on Europe?

A people known for their military, political, and social institutions, the ancient Romans conquered vast amounts of land in Europe and northern Africa, built roads and aqueducts, and spread Latin, their language, far and wide.

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What two things did the Roman spread throughout Europe?

Held together by the military power of one city, in the 2nd century ce the Roman Empire extended throughout northern Africa and western Asia; in Europe it covered all the Mediterranean countries, Spain, Gaul, and southern Britain.

Which element of Roman culture most strongly influence medieval Europe?

Religion/church dominated Medieval Europe because, after the Fall of Rome, it was the only stable source of civilization left in the ancient world.

Was the Roman Empire more advanced?

The Roman Empire was one of the most technologically advanced civilizations of antiquity, with some of the more advanced concepts and inventions forgotten during the turbulent eras of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages.

What was it like to be a Roman during the Middle Ages?

During the medieval period, being Roman was like being Greek during antiquity. It was all the rage, and dressing and acting like a Roman was a good way of showing off your wealth and education. Not to mention a lot of Roman architecture survived into the medieval period in all areas of the empire.

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How advanced were the Romans Compared to the Byzantine Empire?

The Romans were very advanced, and were ahead of their time in many areas. But you should also remember that the Byzantine kingdom, was in fact Rome. And it isn’t that medieval kingdoms flat out replaced Romans, Rome to some extend became Medieval kingdoms, including Byzantine.

Did Roman architecture survive into the medieval period?

Not to mention a lot of Roman architecture survived into the medieval period in all areas of the empire. One could even simply sail down the Mediterranean and see the still functioning Roman Empire in Constantinople.

How was the Roman army different from the medieval army?

Rome may have been able to equip and field a large armies but the medieval soldier could be assured that his sword and armor was made of better metal. The Roman cavalry may have been numerous but their medieval descendants had larger shod horses ridden by people with high saddles and stirrups.