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What happens if you fall in love with your therapist?

What happens if you fall in love with your therapist?

Acknowledge Your Feelings Falling in love with your therapist may be more common than you realize. Your therapist should be able to help you explore these feelings and you will likely grow through this process and learn from it. Your therapist may even already know that you have feelings for them.

Why do I have feelings for my therapist?

Focus on your personal relationships Most times, these intense feelings are a result of a need not being met in your personal life. Maybe you desire to have a partner who embodies the qualities of your therapist. Or maybe your therapist fills a motherly role that’s missing in your life.

Why do clients terminate therapy?

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A client may terminate at any time for any reason. Ideally, termination occurs once the client and therapist agree that the treatment goals have been met or sufficient progress has been made and/or the client improves and no longer needs clinical services.

Do therapists fantasize about patients?

Many patients may fantasize about having a tryst with their therapist, but don’t count on it happening. Not only is it wildly unprofessional, most therapists agree that fellow clinicians who cross the line with patients should lose their licenses. “Some therapists find a client’s vulnerability sexy or enticing.

Can you have romantic feelings for your therapist?

Therapy is an intimate process, and it is actually more common than you may realize to develop romantic feelings for your therapist. A good therapist will offer a safe haven to divulge your deepest secrets and will accept you no matter what.

Should I tell my therapist that I love her?

Professing your love for your therapist may be easier said than done, but to really get the most out of therapy, it is important to discuss. Your therapist should be able to help you explore these feelings and you will likely grow through this process and learn from it. Your therapist may even already know that you have feelings for them.

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What should I do if my therapist reciprocates with Me?

If, however, your therapist takes advantage of this vulnerability and reciprocates such feelings in any way, this is a very clear ethical violation. If this happens in therapy, you should end the process of therapy and consider reporting the therapist to their state board if you feel comfortable doing so.

Is It Scary opening up about your feelings in therapy?

It can be scary opening up about your feelings, whether they are positive or negative, but I promise it’s worth it. This is really what the heart of therapy is — learning what a healthy relationship looks like and having a space where you can share any feeling or emotion without the fear of judgment or shame.