
Who is responsible for trees over power lines?

Who is responsible for trees over power lines?

Trees near power lines need to be trimmed by either yourself or your utility company to about a 15-foot minimum distance. If the tree is on your property then it’s your responsibility to have it trimmed. If it is on or partially on public land it’s up to the power company.

What happens when a tree falls on a powerline?

Fallen trees are dangerous. They may have become entangled in power lines, causing sparks that can ignite a fire. The live wires entangled in branches can transmit an electric charge to the surrounding ground. Fallen trees are unstable and could shift and fall further.

Can you cut a tree touching a power line?

Can you trim a tree that’s touching a power line? Unless you plan on getting electrocuted, you should NOT touch, let alone prune a tree that’s in contact with power lines! Just touching a branch that’s touching a wire can cause a fatal injury.

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How do I report a tree on power lines?

What to do if you think a power line could be impacted by a tree on your property? Call 1-800-668-2248 to report.

How long does it take to fix a power line that fell?

A distribution fuse can take a few minutes to repair; a distribution transformer can take a couple of hours to replace; but widespread damage to the transmission system can take days, weeks, or even months to repair.

How long does it take power to come back on after a storm?

For example, if there has been a storm or a category 5 hurricane, it can take even a week to restore power. If the cause is more like a pole falling or something, the power outage can be fixed within a few hours.

How does power go out in a storm?

Heavy rain, lightning, strong winds and other types of severe weather cause power outages and interruptions by knocking down power lines, blowing objects into overhead lines, flooding power-related equipment, or damaging insulation, among others.

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Who is responsible after a tree falls on power lines?

If you still have questions on who is responsible after a tree falls on power lines, it’s best to contact your local utility company. If you or someone you love are victims of serious personal injury or death caused by electricity, please call us toll free (844) 345-1150 for a free consultation.

What to do if a tree is encroaching on power lines?

If you have a tree that is encroaching on power lines or will be in the coming years, you do have some options. You can call Xcel or your energy company to alert them to a tree interfering with power lines. They will assess the risk and trim or remove the tree.

How do I report a tree on my Xcel power lines?

You can call Xcel or your energy company to alert them to a tree interfering with power lines. They will assess the risk and trim or remove the tree. It won’t always be quick and they only service pole to pole lines.

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Can You trim trees that are near power lines?

A skilled tree trimmer will know the best way to preserve the tree. Only trimming those branches which affect the power lines can allow the tree to grow away from those power lines, according to Asplundh tree service. However, doing it yourself is not an option. It’s dangerous, sometimes illegal, and climbing utility poles to do it is prohibited.