
Does vector change if frame of reference is translated?

Does vector change if frame of reference is translated?

If the frame of reference is translated or rotated, the vector doesn’t change.

Does the frame of reference change?

An observational frame (such as an inertial frame or non-inertial frame of reference) is a physical concept related to state of motion. A change in the choice of this coordinate system does not change an observer’s state of motion, and so does not entail a change in the observer’s observational frame of reference.

Will the value of a vector quantity change if its reference axes are changed?

True vectors are geometric invariants. They have different representations in different co-ordinate systems but the actual geometric object does not change.

What will not change a vector?

Although a vector has magnitude and direction, it does not have position. That is, as long as its length is not changed, a vector is not altered if it is displaced parallel to itself. In contrast to vectors, ordinary quantities that have a magnitude but not a direction are called scalars.

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How can vectors be changed?

Note that moving the vector around doesn’t change the vector, as the position of the vector doesn’t affect the magnitude or the direction. But if you stretch or turn the vector by moving just its head or its tail, the magnitude or direction will change. The magnitude and direction of a vector.

How do different frames of reference change the description of a moving object?

A frame of reference is a set of coordinates that can be used to determine positions and velocities of objects in that frame; different frames of reference move relative to one another. This means that we can address problems in any reference frame to give an equivalent solution.

What are three things that affect your frame of reference?

The frame can include beliefs, schemas, preferences, values, culture and other ways in which we bias our understanding and judgment.

Would the vector components change if you had used a different reference axis?

No, the vector remains the same.

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When the coordinate axes are translated the components of a vector in a plane changes?

When the coordiante axes are translated the component of a vector in a plane changes. When the coording axces are rotated though some angle components of the vector change but vector ‘s magnitude remain constant. Sum of a and b is R If the magnitude of a alone is increased angle between b and R decreases.

Is not change if a vector is not changed if?

A vector is defined by its magnitude and direction. If we slide it to a parallel position to itself, then none of the given parameters, which define the vector, will change. If we slide it parallel to itself, then the direction and magnitude will not change.

What does it mean to change a vector?

Note that moving the vector around doesn’t change the vector, as the position of the vector doesn’t affect the magnitude or the direction. But if you stretch or turn the vector by moving just its head or its tail, the magnitude or direction will change.

What happens to the vector when the frame of reference is transformed?

When frame of reference is trsnsformed, magnitude of the vector will remain the same ( this can be understood by the fact that distance between 2 fixed points in space will remain same , whatever changes) but the direction of the vector will change depending upon how u transformed the frame of reference. Therefore, as a whole , vector changed.

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What changes when you move the frame of reference?

To put it in a very simplistic and non-technical manner, a vector can be considered a line joining two points in space. When we move the frame of reference what changes is the position from which we are looking at the two points (translation) or angle at which we are looking at the two points (rotation) or both.

What is the magnitude of change in the vector when rotated?

So a vector is defined with respect to a reference frame, then when the reference frame is rotated, the magnitude will remain same but the direction with respect to the new reference frame will change hence the vector will also change If a vector of magnitude A is rotated through angle theta, what is the magnitude of change in the vector?

What exactly is a reference frame?

A reference frame is really just a coordinate system for spacetime, i.e., history. It has to take every event in history and assign it time (t) and space (x, y, z or the like) coordinates.