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Is French widely spoken in America?

Is French widely spoken in America?

French is the third most spoken language (after English and Spanish) in the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. As a second language, French is the second most widely taught foreign language (after Spanish) in American schools, colleges and universities….French language in the United States.

United States French
Glottolog None

What percentage of America speaks French?

The majority of Americans who can speak a second language speak Spanish (55\%). Much smaller proportions speak French (17\%) and German (10\%). Even smaller proportions report speaking Italian and Chinese and other languages. While slightly larger percentages of men than women speak Spanish as a second language (59\% vs.

Which countries in the Americas speak French?

French speaking countries in North America

Country French speakers \% of the total population
Canada (Official language) 10,981,937 29.47\%
Dominica 7,000 10\%
Dominican Republic 156,715 1.44\%
Haiti (Official language) 4,667,437 42\%

Why is French so widely spoken?

French is the second most widely spoken mother tongue in the European Union. Of Europeans who speak other languages natively, approximately one-fifth are able to speak French as a second language. French is the second most taught foreign language in the EU….French language.

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Linguasphere 51-AAA-i

Is it more useful to learn French or Spanish?

So, learning the language you’re exposed to most may have more immediate effects on your life. If you’re in Canada, for example, learning French could open up job opportunities. If you’re in the United States, you’re more likely to see Spanish speakers on a regular basis.

Which country is French not an official language?


No. Country Continent
1. DR Congo Africa
2. France Europe
3. Canada North America
4. Madagascar Africa

Why is French the official language of the United Nations?

French was chosen because it was still widely considered the international language of diplomacy. Some people think that the UN spends too much money and effort on translation and interpretation and that it should adopt a single official language.