
Is friends of friends the same as public on Facebook?

Is friends of friends the same as public on Facebook?

“Friends” means your Facebook friends can see what you post and search for your posts. “Public” means anyone on or off Facebook can see your posts, and anyone with a Facebook account can search your posts.

Can friends of friends see my posts on Facebook?

Your friends can, however, see your posts if they go to your Facebook page. You can also set who sees your posts on your page. In the photo below, I have set this specific post to public, which means everyone (not just my friends) can see it.

What are the different friend levels on Facebook?

5 Levels of Facebook Friends & Why You Should Keep Some Business to Yourself

  • Bottom Level Friends: The first is the bottom level.
  • Questionable Level Friends:
  • Associate Level Friends.
  • Friends but Not Friends Level:
  • Your Real Core Friends.
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How do I make sure all my Facebook friends see my posts?

To check to see if you have the tool turned on, go to Settings and click on Audience Optimization for Posts. Click edit to turn the tool on and then save your changes. Now you’ll be able to organically target Facebook users based on their interests.

Is it friends list or friend list?

A list, by itself, must contain different items so using the plural form in “friends lists” seems unnecessary.

What can Facebook friends see?

At the top right of your profile page, you can click the new view as button, then type in your friend’s name and you will see your pages as your friend does. Go to your info, your wall and your photos to see what is visible to your friend.

Why can’t I see friends friends on Facebook?

By default, Facebook always lets a user’s friends see his or her posts. The most restricted standard privacy setting is “Friends Only,” which only stops non-friends from seeing a Wall. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user’s wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

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Is friends of friends still an option on Facebook?

Fortunately, Facebook doesn’t really promote the “Friends of Friends” option anymore, instead burying it within the “Custom” privacy settings.

What is the difference between friends of friends and Friends of others?

Others are FRIENDS only of your FRIEND’S circle of FRIENDS and the are not in your circle of FRIENDS so they are a FRIEND OF FRIENDS only and not a FRIEND. PUBLIC is every one else in your Facebook world except those who you have BLOCKED or who have BLOCKED you because they actually do not exist in your Facebook world.

What is friendsfriends of friends on Facebook?

Friends of friends has various applications: On Facebook, it is used as a privacy setting where users can choose to get friends requests from only people who are their friend’s friends or make their profile visible to FoF. On LinkedIn, it is used for referrals.

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What is the difference between following and friending on Facebook?

The second difference is that, unlike friending, following is a one-way street. That is, you see posts from the person you follow, but she doesn’t see posts from you. It’s more like the following process on Twitter than being a traditional Facebook friend; it turns posting into a one-way broadcast rather than a two-way communication.

What does it mean when a post is public on Facebook?

For example, if you are friends with John and John is friends with Jane (but you are not friends with Jane), then Jane could see your posts if they are visible to friends of friends. Public does mean that anybody on Facebook can see the content (I’m not sure if the person has to be signed in, at least, though).