
Is the universe continuous or discrete?

Is the universe continuous or discrete?

As such it can be said to be “continuous”. In short: If the universe is finite then essentially everything is limited and so there is a smallest quantity and the world is discrete. If things are unlimited, the world is continuous.

Is the universe probabilistic?

The quantum universe is fundamentally probabilistic, unlike the deterministic universe described by classical physics. Einstein believed that the universe and its laws must be strictly deterministic. It was this kind of indeterminism that seemed to be present in the new theory of quantum mechanics.

Is the world Turing-complete?

Virtually all programming languages today are Turing-complete. The concept is named after English mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing. A universal Turing machine can be used to simulate any Turing machine and by extension the computational aspects of any possible real-world computer.

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Is Turing-complete physics?

For example, the cellular automaton Life is Turing Complete. Now, since we can build computers and understand how they work at a physical level, it seems that physics itself is Turing Complete in some sense.

Are particles random?

Einstein’s theory of Brownian motion, which describes the random movement of particles in fluids, is widely used to model randomness throughout science. In real-life environments, fluids often contain particles that move by themselves, such as tiny swimming microorganisms.

Is quantum physics really random?

Introduction. Quantum measurements and observations are fundamentally random. However, randomness is in deep conflict with the deterministic laws of physics.

Is reality analog or digital?

Reality is presented to us both in a digital and analog manner, the first as evidenced by the findings about the nature of space and sub-atomic entities, and the latter by the uncertainties at the quantum level.

Is quantum reality analog after all?

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After all, the word “quantum” in quantum physics connotes “discrete” —hence, “digital”. Many of the best essays held, however, that the world is analog.
