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How many holes are there in a black hole?

How many holes are there in a black hole?

Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way has anywhere from 10 million to 1 billion stellar black holes, with masses roughly three times that of the sun. Black holes remain terrific fodder for science fiction books and movies.

Can a black hole eat a white hole?

The mass the white hole is expelling is also being turned into energy for the black hole. So if a white hole and black hole collided, we’d have a massive black hole roaming around the Universe, destroying everything in its path.

What is the size of a supermassive black hole?

Stellar-mass black holes are typically in the range of 10 to 100 solar masses, while the supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies can be millions or billions of solar masses. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, is 4.3 million solar masses.

What does a black hole look like to an observer?

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A black hole is a point in space with so much gravity that not even light (the fastest thing around) can escape, hence the name. To an observer it would just appear as a sphere of perfect blackness. At the heart of a black hole is an object called a singularity, a point of zero size and infinite density,…

Do black holes have the same mass in all galaxies?

solely with respect to mass. Different types of black holes have very different masses. Stellar-mass black holes are typically in the range of 10 to 100 solar masses, while the supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies can be millions or billions of solar masses.

What would happen if the Earth was sucked into a black hole?

There is no additional sucking force at all. In fact, many of the objects that would have hit Earth previously will now miss the black hole. Only the rare objects that cross the event horizon — a mere 2 cm across (as opposed to ~12,700 km for the actual Earth) — will get swallowed. depending on how you want to visualize it.