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What is qualifying sea going service assessment?

What is qualifying sea going service assessment?

Every candidate shall have approved sea-going service as appropriate for motor/ steam in the engine department of sea going ship as Engineer Officer in charge of an Engineering watch on ships of 750 kW or more for a period of not less than 36 months which shall include not less than 12 months as holder of certificate …

What are the qualification requirements for third engineer?

Must be not less than 18 years of age. Must have attained qualifying sea service of not less 36 months in the engine department of foreign going trading vessels of 750 kW or more in the capacity of any watch standing engine rating, electrician, electro-technical officer or electro-technical rating.

How is sea service calculated?

How to calculate sea service. Your sea service is calculated by counting up all your individual working days. For example, if you have served 27 days on a voyage and 30 days on another, your combined sea service is 57 days This can be converted to months and days by dividing by 30 which is considered to be one month.

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What counts as days at sea?

A day of sea service is any day that a mariner served upon a vessel in an assigned position in either the deck or engineering department of a vessel (not a passenger). The position may include duties such as: handling lines, being a lookout, steering the boat, and other navigational or propulsion functions.

Does marine engineering have board exam?

The Board Exams The licensure examinations are conducted two or three times per year by the Board for Marine Deck and Marine Engine Officers under the supervision of the PRC.

How do you get the III 4 Marina?

Every candidate for certification shall:

  1. be not less than 16 years of age;
  2. have completed: approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience, or.
  3. meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/4 of the STCW Code.