
What is it like to date an IITian Guy?

What is it like to date an IITian Guy?

He was a guy whom teacher would make him stand on a pedestal and say great things about him. Even after being in the good books of the teachers, he was always down to earth and behaved like how a normal average student usually does. Dating an IITian is similar to dating any other guy from a regular college.

What is the best relationship that you have with an IITian girl?

There is no best relationship that dating an IITian girl. I am a non iitan guy who is in relationship with an iitan girl and the best part is that we never let that iit tag of her to be a problem in our relationship. We have love, affection, arguments, craziness and everything that should be in a relationship.

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How would you describe your boyfriend as an IITian?

Never for once he has bragged about him being an iitian. He behaves like a normal guy and talks about normal stuffs. He has a unique taste in music and movies. He has a different approach towards life. He loves playing games in his phone. He loves football and sports. He loves mathematics. He draws and writes poems.

What does it feel like to be in a relationship with IITian?

This is what I exactly feel being in a relationship with an IITIAN and everything he does for me. He is very intelligent..really very intelligent. I have never thought that I ever date such an intelligent and genius person and yes loving and caring too. He is very dedicated when it comes to either career or the relationship.

Why would you date an Italian?

Believe the stereotypes: dating an Italian involves plenty of passionate – bordering on deranged – arguments, an interfering mother-in-law and at least one other woman or toy boy hiding behind the scenes. So why would anyone date an Italian? Here’s 14 reasons why. Socialising in Italy inevitably revolves around food, and dating is no different.