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Was Janeway assimilated by the Borg?

Was Janeway assimilated by the Borg?

Tuvok, B’Elanna Torres, and Captain Kathryn Janeway have been assimilated as Borg drones aboard Tactical Cube 138, but their personalities remain intact thanks to a short-lived anti-assimilation inoculation developed by The Doctor. Janeway, however, was separated from them and continues to be assimilated.

How did Voyager defeat the Borg?

To prevent the destruction of Voyager and their nanoprobes the Borg cube positioned itself between Voyager and the bio-ship. After the first hit the cube crashed deliberately into the bio-ship, destroying both of them.

Is the Borg Queen in Voyager the same as first contact?

The Borg Queen was killed at the end of First Contact, but her subsequent inclusion in four episodes of Star Trek: Voyager did nothing to clear up any of the controversies. The Queen had originally been played by Alice Krige but was recast and played by Susanna Thompson for three out of her four Voyager appearances.

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What is the purpose of the Borg Queen?

The enigmatic Borg Queen is the central locus of the Borg Collective. She brings order to the legions of voices within the Hive mind and provides a common direction — much like the queen of an insect colony.

Is Ilia the Borg Queen?

In The Return, by William Shatner, it was revealed that V’ger was modified by the source species of the Borg. It was suggested that Ilia and Decker were fused to the Borg Collective, in five-dimensional space, by V’ger and that Ilia might be the Borg Queen seen later.

Did Voyager make it home?

Admiral Janeway beams aboard Voyager and meets her younger self, and is moved to see a healthy Tuvok and Chakotay again. In Janeway’s Ready Room, the Admiral reveals to the Captain that Voyager did eventually make it back to Earth after another 16 years, and the ship became a museum on the grounds of the Presidio.

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What was Janeway’s first job in Starfleet?

Starfleet career. Janeway’s first Starfleet posting was aboard the USS Al-Batani, under the command of Captain Owen Paris. She served as the chief science officer during the ship’s participation in the Arias Expedition.

What is Kathryn Janeway best known for?

” Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer, most noted for her service as captain of the starship USS Voyager. She became the first Federation captain to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of seven years.

How old is Admiral Janeway in the Star Trek movies?

Kate Mulgrew, herself, stated in an interview on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn ( 18 May 2001) that Admiral Janeway was seventy-six in “Endgame”, in the year 2404, which puts her year of birth as 2328, which would have placed her well within the approximate age given in the pilot’s script, with an age of forty-three.

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What inspired Janeway to join the Star Trek family?

( VOY: ” Coda “) Janeway credited the family tale of her ancestor, Shannon O’Donnel, for inspiring her to join Starfleet. The family tale claimed that O’Donnell had been involved as the driving force in ensuring the construction of the Millennium Gate, despite strong local opposition.