
What is your most prized possession examples?

What is your most prized possession examples?


  • Home.
  • Family photos.
  • Car.
  • Wedding ring.
  • Photographs of deceased relatives.
  • Family pet.
  • Laptop.
  • Photographs of significant other.

What is a person’s most prized possession?

Top prized possessions A survey revealed that children’s artwork, parents’ wedding rings, and baby clothes are among a woman’s most prized household possessions. Men on the other hand declared their vinyl collection, smartphone and computer as some of their most treasured items.

What is a prized possession?

a prized/treasured possession (=one that is very important to you): Her most prized possession is a locket that she wears constantly.

What are some examples of prized possession?

Survey Reveals: Our 10 Most Prized Possessions

  • Family photos.
  • A wedding ring.
  • A piece of jewelry.
  • An engagement ring.
  • A family heirloom.
  • A laptop computer.
  • A car.
  • A wedding dress.
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What are examples of possessions?

Possession is the state of having something or something that is owned. An example of possession is for a person to have their mother’s keys in their pocket. An example of possession is a person’s favorite necklace. Exercising dominion over property; having custody and control of property.

What are your possessions?

A possession is something that belongs to you. If you’ve got a special rubber ducky, that’s one of your possessions, and it may even be your prized possession. Possession is all about control: if you have possession of something, you own it, or have your hands on it.

What are person’s possessions?

What are material possessions?

Definitions of material possession. property or belongings that are tangible. synonyms: tangible possession. type of: belongings, holding, property. something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone.

What are the possessions of business?

Business assets are valuable possessions that are used in business activities to produce revenues and profits. Typical assets appearing on the Balance Sheet are: Cash and short term investments. Accounts receivable.

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What are earthly possessions?

Noun. All the money and property owned by a particular person, especially at death. estate. property. resources.

What are the 4 types of possession?

Obtaining possession

  • Possession acquired by consent.
  • Possession acquired without consent.
  • Forms of transferring possession.

What does the Bible say about material wealth?

Work hard and become successful in life but don’t think of yourself as better than others because of your material wealth. In Deuteronomy 8:18 Moses reminds us, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

Do you have prized possessions in Your Life?

You might not have even realized it, but all of we have prized possessions in our lives. The dictionary meaning of possession is – something you own. Out of these possessions you may value a particular one more than another.

What are the most prized possessions of women?

Top prized possessions. According to a survey; women’s top prized possessions are family photos, home, wedding ring, engagement ring, family pet, photographs of deceased relatives and Jewelry.

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Are your mind and memory your most prized possessions?

However, the fact is that your mind and memory are the two prized possessions you have without which you cannot function normally. Let’s learn what happens when you lose what you consider as your most prized possession.

What is the most prized possession that anyone can have?

Your family and friends are the people who support you and give you all the love and care that you need. Their affection cannot be compared to any material things that you own. The most prized possession that anyone can have is love.