Could the Borg assimilate the founders?

Could the Borg assimilate the founders?

It’s unlikely that The Borg would be able to assimilate The Founders. Most of what is known about The Borg requires a race to be humanoid in origin or what The Founders call, a Solid. A lot of the technological cybernetics wouldn’t work on a Founder because they don’t have any physical form to attach them to.

Will we see the Borg again?

The Borg Queen will be assimilated into season 2 of “Star Trek: Picard.” Annie Wersching will take over the role, joining “Picard” when the series beams back onto Paramount+ in 2022. …

Can the Borg assimilate a tholian?

Tholians require very hot temperatures, and where they live, must be very hot. , Have seen every Star Trek show and movie. The Borg would assimilate them in a trice and acquire their Web technology. But they might also pass through the spatial interphase and lay a trap for the Terran Empire in the Alternate Universe.

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Can the Borg assimilate AQ?

Ordinarily, no. They’ve nothing to latch onto. The Q aren’t really physical beings and therefore aren’t vulnerable to Borg technology. However, there have been cases in which members of the Continuum have been forced into physical bodies.

Can Borg assimilation be reversed?

In regards to reversing Borg assimilation, this fact cannot be more true. Through the process of assimilation, the Borg transform individuals against their will into unfeeling drones.

Do the Borg assimilate animals?

Canonically, no. At no point in the Star Trek TV (prime) series did the Borg show interest in assimilating anything except humanoid species, with the exception of the Kazon, who were deemed unremarkable.

Are the Borg aware of Q?

The Borg do not act like they have any awareness of the Q. Even if they did, it would not matter to them because the Q is not matter! They cannot assimilate non-corporal beings without technology so they have zero interest in the Q.

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Who was the first officer on the Voyager?

After his ship, the Val Jean, was transported and subsequently destroyed in the Delta Quadrant he joined the crew of the starship USS Voyager as its first officer under Captain Kathryn Janeway during their seven year journey back to Earth. ( VOY: ” Caretaker “, ” Endgame “)

Was ‘first contact’ the best Star Trek film in years?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and crew were second fiddle to Captain Kirk in their first feature film together in 1994’s ‘Generations’, but that wasn’t at all the case in ‘First Contact’. Putting a newfound focus on the new crew and a new real sci-fi adventure proved to be what was needed to make the best Star Trek film in years.

What does Janeway do to celebrate Voyager’s return to Earth?

Janeway avoids the question. The guests are called to attention by Commander Reginald Barclay, one of the engineers who had been responsible for the Pathfinder Project, which succeeded in returning Voyager to Earth. They all raise their glasses and drink a toast to the success of the journey.

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