Does everyone get accepted to Semester at Sea?

Does everyone get accepted to Semester at Sea?

Yes, students from all majors regularly enroll in Semester at Sea. More than 40 majors are typically represented on any given voyage.

Is Semester at Sea competitive?

Semester at Sea is an incredibly unique study abroad experience that a lot of people at home think is a semester off or “not a real study abroad program”; but SAS is challenging in totally different ways than a “normal” study abroad experience. It is challenging because so much happens in a short period.

Is Semester at Sea a booze cruise?

Little did I know Semester At Sea has a reputation of being a “booze cruise.” The students were uninterested in their classwork, as if it weren’t an incredible opportunity to take classes relevant to the places we were going. They were even bothered by it, like it was a chore instead of an immense privilege.

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What ship is used for Semester at Sea?

The MV World Odyssey
The MV World Odyssey is the Semester at Sea campus.

Is Semester at Sea Good?

It’s a very cross-cultural experience; there were students aboard the ship from four continents, and I traveled to 11 countries during my semester abroad. Having sailed on the 126th voyage, Semester at Sea is something I recommend to people who are highly adventurous and interested in learning about multiple cultures.

What do you do at Semester at Sea?

Semester at Sea is a study abroad program where you take 12 to 15 credits of college courses aboard a cruise ship while visiting many countries across multiple continents (including several on our list of top 25 places to study abroad).

Has anyone died Semester at Sea?

The death toll totaled seven. They were all killed when their bus driver, who had been on duty between 30 and 50 hours, driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding, lost control of their tour bus and crashed. The students had paid for a four day field trip in India.

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How safe is Semester at Sea?

Semester at Sea crew provide 24/7 security on the ship itself. If the ship is located at a berth that is not in a pedestrian-friendly area, Semester at Sea works with the port agents and tour operators to coordinate shuttle service.

Are Semester at Sea classes hard?

Semester at Sea is definitely not for the faint of heart. The intense traveling and crazy schedules can be exhausting, and it takes some time to get your sea legs. The semester goes by incredibly quickly, and life is fast-paced on the ship.

Does Harvard accept Semester at Sea?

Semester at Sea is one of the best international study abroad programs, Harvard is one of the best domestic study programs–there is no reason why Harvard should not accept credits from Semester at Sea. Semester at Sea provides that offer to over eight hundred students a year.

What colleges accept Semester at Sea?

Affiliated Institutions

  • California. University of San Diego.
  • Colorado. University of Northern Colorado.
  • Connecticut. Connecticut College.
  • District of Columbia. American University. George Washington University.
  • Florida. Eckerd College.
  • Hawaii. Hawaii Pacific University.
  • Illinois. Knox College.
  • Indiana. DePauw University.
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What age can you do Semester at Sea?

Are there age or physical fitness restrictions? We welcome trip participants over 10 years to join us. While there is no maximum age, all participants must be physically fit, active,and in good health.