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Why is the night Kings Dragon Fire blue?

Why is the night Kings Dragon Fire blue?

When the Night King brought Viserion back to life, his bright blue eyes indicated he’d become one of the undead who exist as white walkers and mobile frozen corpses. It seemed obvious that, as he’d switched from being alive to undead, he would also switch to breathing ice instead of fire.

What did the Night King throw at Viserion?

Viserion and his brothers burn and destroy many of the wights while Jon and his party mount Drogon with Daenerys and the captured wight. Not long after they arrive, however, the Night King is given an ice spear by another White Walker, and then hurls it at Viserion.

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What fire does Viserion breathe?

It was a head-scratching moment, no doubt. Shortly after the season finale, titled “Dragon and the Wolf,” director Jeremy Podeswa decided to clear up the confusion. Viserion the zombie dragon breathes fire. Blue fire.

What does the Wight dragon breath?

They don’t breathe fire, but instead a cold so potent it can freeze a man to death instantly. But Business Insider points out that the undead Viserion breathes blue flames that seem to melt the wall, rather than freeze it. They may be magical flames that cause more damage than either fire or ice.

Was Viserion the smallest dragon?

That is some nice change for Viserion, considered the smallest and most gentle of the three dragons that hatched in the fire from the eggs that Daenerys Targaryen held. From being the most gentle, he is now the fiercest and even more powerful than the Drogon.

Does the Night King speak?

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A rare photo from those days 12,000 years ago, courtesy of his mom. Then, through a tortuous chain of events, he was taken by the Children of the Forest. In his words were power, so they gagged him to stop him from speaking those words. The Night King cannot talk, other than in his dreams.

Why did the Night King want to kill Viserion?

He envisioned himself killing Viserion like an actor playing a role. He followed his stage direction. It was as though he had seen himself kill Viserion in a vision, then commenced to do the actual deed. From the Night King’s point of view, he didn’t care if it were Drogon, Viserion or Rhaegal. He wanted a dragon.

How did the Night King turn into a White Walker?

Game of Thrones. Background. Before he became a White Walker, the Night King was a First Man that was captured by Children of the Forest, Leaf among them. Leaf pressed a dragonglass dagger into his chest, causing his eyes to turn blue and turning him into the first of the White Walkers.

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How did Beric Dondarrion find out about Viserion’s body?

His body is discovered by Beric Dondarrion, who deduces that the severed arms arranged in the spiral around the child’s corpse is a message from the Night King. The Night King rides Viserion when the White Walkers advance on Winterfell.

How does the Night King defeat the White Dragon?

The Night King targets the Dragon Viserion who is in flight and laying waste to his forces with his flaming breath. The Night King throws the spear like a javelin. The enchanted weapon sails through the air and impales the White Dragon causing him to crash into the ice of the lake, where he dies before sinking.