Should I use puppeteer or Selenium?

Should I use puppeteer or Selenium?

Considering all the above factors, Puppeteer is the go-to tool if devs and testers are specifically working with Google Browser alone. But considering the fact that cross-browser testing must be conducted across platforms and using multiple programming languages, Selenium is the best fit for automation testing.

Is Selenium used for UI testing?

Selenium automates web browser Interaction, where test scripts are written to perform different user actions on the web application UI. This makes Selenium apt for UI Testing along with cross browser testing since it can perform the same tests on different browsers and browser versions.

Which browser works best with Selenium?

Since both browsers work with Selenium IDE, you can select the browser based on the visitors to the website you are developing. If most of the traffic comes from Chrome, which is mostly the case, then using Chrome is the best option. All in all, what you are aiming for is a quick way to improve the testing process.

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Does puppeteer only work with Chrome?

Puppeteer works only with Chromium or Chrome. However, many teams only run unit tests with a single browser (e.g. PhantomJS). In non-testing use cases, Puppeteer provides a powerful but simple API because it’s only targeting one browser that enables you to rapidly develop automation scripts.

Does puppeteer use WebDriver?

js library that is used to automate the Chrome. This library is open-source and provides a high-level API to control Chrome. Puppeteer was developed by Google itself and runs the script on Chromium….Difference between Puppeteer and Selenium.

S.No. Puppeteer Selenium
5. Puppeteer is faster than Selenium. Selenium is slower as compared to Puppeteer.

Why is puppeteer faster than selenium?

Puppeteer. Selenium is by far the most commonly used functional test automation tool….Selenium vs. Puppeteer: A Comparison.

Features Puppeteer Selenium
Execution Speed Faster but only with Chrome Relatively Slower

How do you automate UI testing using selenium?

We have found that the easiest approach is usually to follow these next steps.

  1. Record. Use the automated recorder from Selenium IDE to generate the script while you’re interacting with the web app as a user.
  2. Adjust locators.
  3. Assure synchronization.
  4. Add verifications.
  5. Export to WebDriver.
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Why WebDriver is an interface in selenium?

WebDriver is an interface provided by Selenium WebDriver. As we know that interfaces in Java are the collection of constants and abstract methods(methods without any implementation). The WebDriver interface serves as a contract that each browser-specific implementation like ChromeDriver, FireFoxDriver must follow.

Why is Puppeteer faster than selenium?

Does Puppeteer use Webdriver?