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What does use in vain mean?

What does use in vain mean?

To no avail, useless, as in All our work was in vain.

What does Dont let me die in vain mean?

“Dying in vain” refers to someone who sacrifices themselves for a cause, and their sacrifice ends up not helping. For example, a person who sacrifices themselves to save a child, but then the child dies anyway, is said to have died in vain.

What does becoming vain mean?

Full Definition of vain 1 : having or showing undue or excessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements : conceited. 2 : marked by futility or ineffectualness : unsuccessful, useless vain efforts to escape. 3 : having no real value : idle, worthless vain pretensions.

What is an example of vain?

The definition of vain is someone or something without value, without force or who is conceited. An example of vain is a promise that someone doesn’t intend to keep. An example of vain is an attempt to prune a bush only to have it removed the following day.

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Will go in vain sentence?

It seems as if the merger will go through and all our hard work has been in vain. Your protests are all in vain. He will get the promotion as he is the boss’s son. All of my studying was in vain.

What does it mean to live in vain?

without effect or avail; to no purpose: lives lost in vain; to apologize in vain.

What does love in vain mean?

“Love in Vain” (originally “Love in Vain Blues”) is a blues song written by American musician Robert Johnson. He sings of unrequited love, using a departing train as a metaphor for his loss. Various artists have recorded the song.

What is the opposite of being vain?

vain. Antonyms: solid, substantial, sound, worthy, efficient, effectual, cogent, potent, unconceited, modest, real. Synonyms: empty, worthless, fruitless, unsatisfying, unavailing, idle, ineffectual, egotistic, showy, unreal, conceited, arrogant.

Should not go in vain?

If you say that something such as someone’s death, suffering, or effort was in vain, you mean that it was useless because it did not achieve anything. He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain.

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How do I use vain in a sentence?

Vain sentence example

  1. The child tried in vain to keep up.
  2. He tried in vain to stop the water flow.
  3. The proprietors struggled in vain to bring about a closer union.
  4. The convict tried in vain to escape several times from prison.
  5. In a vain attempt to lose some weight, I have taken to reading the labels on the food I buy.

Is Vain a phrase?

Is it bad to be vain?

If you are too much into immersed into say your looks , your thoughts ,your money , your problems that situation would create a lack of perspective and you will be of no use to the people around you. Coming to the actual answer to the question you mentioned , There’s really nothing wrong with being vain really .

Should not go in vain meaning?

Should not go in vain? To say that something ‘will not go in vain’ is to vow to be successful against whatever odds are arrayed against you. For example, “in vain” means not in fructification or fruitless, unsuccessful, unyielding, lacking substance or worth. Click to see full answer.

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What does the Bible say about taking God’s name in vain?

The text reads: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain,” ( Exodus 20:7 ). As you can see, God tells us something not to do. He wants us to not use God’s name in vain.

What is the meaning of vainness?

vain′ly adv. vain′ness n. Synonyms: vain, empty, hollow, idle, otiose. These adjectives mean lacking value or substance: vain regrets; empty pleasures; hollow threats; idle dreams; otiose theoretical discussions.

Is your labor in vain?

Whatever we do for the kingdom of God, our labor is not in vain. God has promised to reward us for our efforts. That reward may come in this life, and wouldn’t that be great? But if not in this life, our reward will definitely be waiting for us in the next.