Useful tips

Is it legal for my Neighbor to fly a drone over me?

Is it legal for my Neighbor to fly a drone over me?

You could also make a legal case for trespass. The drone is flying over your property, outside the bounds of your neighbor’s yard. As mentioned above, you don’t necessarily own all of the air rights above your property. But you probably do own the immediate air rights surrounding the top of your home.

Is it a federal crime to shoot down a drone?

There is a law that makes it a federal crime if you would willfully damage or destroy an aircraft, and according to the FAA, a drone is considered to be a civil aircraft. The FAA states that it is a federal crime to shoot down a drone under code 18USC32. The penalty could be a fine and/or up to 20 years in the penitentiary.

How do I stop a drone from flying over my house?

What you CAN do is call the police department if the drone is obviously spying on you and your family. Or, if you know who is piloting the drone, and/or know the owner of the drone, calmly talk to them, and let them know your concerns. Don’t over react, just ask politely to not fly the drone over your property.

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How high can a drone be legally allowed to fly?

There is no unified answer to “how high” homeowners own. Regulations vary by state. But any photographs that you take of the flying drone, to show a court how close the machine is getting to your yard or windows, would surely help convince a judge that the flight constitutes a trespass.

Can you shoot down a drone?

Depending on the type of drone flight that is being conducted, you may have some available options available to you. So what can I do? The one thing you cannot do is shoot it down. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) considers a drone to be a civil aircraft and there are laws which make it a crime to destroy any aircraft.

Can a drone fly over your property in Australia?

It is also worth noting that Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority deals solely with enforcing safety rules. They are not concerned with regulating drones that fly over private property. That said, it is possible for a drone flight over your house to constitute trespass.