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What happened to the lost city of Atlantis?

What happened to the lost city of Atlantis?

The island was larger than Ancient Libya and Asia Minor combined, but it was later sunk by an earthquake and became an impassable mud shoal, inhibiting travel to any part of the ocean.

Where is the lost city of Atlantis underwater?

It was situated in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere outward from the Strait of Gibraltar. It’s a landmass large enough that, if it really existed somewhere underwater in the Atlantic, it would certainly appear on sonar maps of the ocean floor.

Is the city of Atlantis underwater?

The most obvious sign that Atlantis is a myth is that no trace of it has ever been found despite advances in oceanography and ocean floor mapping in past decades. For nearly two millennia readers could be forgiven for suspecting that the vast depths might somehow hide a sunken city or continent.

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How many years ago did Atlantis sink?

about 9,000 years ago
Atlantis served as the perfect example of a society that had become corrupted by its material wealth, advanced technology and military might. Then, the gods destroyed Atlantis about 9,000 years ago in a cataclysmic event, Plato wrote. For centuries, scholars viewed Plato’s writings on Atlantis as allegory.

Is there a lost city?

Which city is known as the Lost City? The Lost City, or Ciudad Perdida in Spanish, happens to be the archaeological site of an ancient city in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta region of Colombia. It was apparently found in about 800 CE, over 650 years before Machu Picchu.

Where did the lost city of Atlantis come from?

Tale of God’s love Legend says that the Atlantis city was built by Poseidon- the God of Sea, of storms and earthquakes- when he fell in love with a mortal woman Cleito. He made this city on top of a hill, on an isolated island in the sea, to protect her and named it Atlantis.

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Was Atlantis a real city?

There is no real indication that the so-called “Lost City of Atlantis” actually ever existed as the origins for the myth surrounding the fictional city can be traced back to the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato , who wrote about a continent called Atlantis in 360 B.C.

Is Atlantis a true story?

Atlantis: The True Story Not long ago, a technologically advanced human civilization thrived on Earth. This was Atlantis, the real Atlantis, not a mythological story. Here-documented for the first time with new scientific data-is the true story of their demise.

Did the Lost City of Atlantis really exist?

Atlantis didn’t exist at all-Plato invented it. Most historians and scientists throughout history have come to the conclusion that Plato’s account of the lost kingdom of Atlantis was fictional.

How did the Lost City of Atlantis get its name?

– Atlantis first appeared in Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias in 360 BCE. – Atlantis is named after Poseidon’s son Atlas, who is also the namesake of the Atlantic Ocean. – Atlantis was said to exceed the combined land area of Asia Minor and Libya.