
Is there a transparent magnet?

Is there a transparent magnet?

Researchers at Xerox Corp. have synthesized a new room-temperature magnetic material that, unlike ordinary magnetic materials, is optically transparent. Of the handful of transparent magnets known, the new material is the most strongly magnetic at room temperature.

What material is best for a permanent magnet?

Ferromagnetic materials are the most suitable material for a permanent magnet. The ferromagnetic material out of the options is iron.

What materials can magnets not pass through?

Superconductors—such as lead, tin, and mercury—are the special class of materials that will not allow any magnetic field to pass through it.

Can magnets hold through glass?

Yes, magnetic fields will certainly pass through glass. That attraction indicates that the magnetic field is propagating through the glass. If the magnets are strong enough, the magnets will even attract each other through your own hand!

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How can you tell when a magnetic field is the strongest?

the closer the lines, the stronger the magnetic field (so the magnetic field from a bar magnet is strongest closest to the poles) the lines have arrowheads to show the direction of the force exerted by a magnetic north pole.

How can I make a permanent magnet at home?

Take two magnets put one North pole and one South pole on the middle of the iron. Draw them towards its ends, repeating the process several times. Take a steel bar, hold it vertically, and strike the end several times with a hammer, and it will become a permanent magnet.

How can you increase the strength of a magnetic field in a solenoid?

The strength of the magnetic field around a solenoid can be increased by:

  1. increasing the number of turns on the coil.
  2. increasing the current.
  3. placing an iron core inside the solenoid.

Where is the magnetic field the weakest?

The magnetic field is weakest at the center and strongest between the two poles just outside the bar magnet. The magnetic field lines are densest at the center and least dense between the two poles just outside the bar magnet.

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How can you increase the strength of a magnetic field?