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Why downlink frequency is higher than uplink?

Why downlink frequency is higher than uplink?

In satellite communication, the uplink frequency is higher than the downlink frequency because the attenuation level increase with an increase in frequency. The power at the ground station (Base Station) is more than compared to the power available at the satellite.

What is the uplink frequency of satellite?

In satellite telecommunication, a downlink is the link from a satellite down to one or more ground stations or receivers, and an uplink is the link from a ground station up to a satellite….downlink and uplink.

Frequency Band Downlink Uplink
C 3,700-4,200 MHz 5,925-6,425 MHz
Ku 11.7-12.2 GHz 14.0-14.5 GHz
Ka 17.7-21.2 GHz 27.5-31.0 GHz
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Why the satellite downlink frequency is less than the uplink frequency?

It say basically the power at ground stations is more as compared to power available at satellites.So generally frequency for uplink is kept higher than the downlink. There is greater attenuation due to rain when the signal frequency is downlink is also kept at lower frequency.

Why is high frequency used in satellite communication?

Antenna sizes are proportional to wavelength of EM wave. So higher frequency implies shorter wavelength. So size of antenna on satellite would be compact. Also the frequency used should have energy such that it’s not absorbed in any layers of atmosphere (energy should be lower than bandgap of material).

Why is downloading faster than uploading?

This is usually normal, because most high-speed Internet connections, including cable modems and DSL, are asymmetric — they are designed to provide much better speed for downloading than uploading. So if your upload speed appears to be slower than your download speed, this is probably expected.

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Why must a satellite have distinct uplink and downlink frequency?

In order to avoid interference, the satellite must have distinct uplink and downlink frequencies. The satellite receives the signal on one frequency and it transmits on another frequency, the reason is to avoid the interference of signals. To obtain clear transmission, the frequency must be distinct between them.

Why are uplink frequencies higher than download frequencies?

Themain reasons why uplink frequencies is higher than download is rain attenuation. Rain attenuation has a relate directly to transmitted frequency, the higher the frequency, the bigger rain attenuation is.

Why do we use a lower frequency as downlink in satellites?

The attenuation faced by a high frequency wave is more than a low frequency wave. Higher frequency means higher energy and it’s need more power to transmit. But power in satellite is limited with respect to ground station. Thats why we use lower frequency as downlink so that it’s require less power and face low attenuation to transmit.

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What is the range of uplink and downlink speeds for Deep Space?

For deep space, Sband uplink is at 2.1–2.120 GHz (correction – near earth is 2.025–2.1, deep space is 2.1–2.12), Downlink at 2.2–2.3. Xband uplink is at 7.15 GHz, downlink at 8.4-8.45 GHz. Ka-band is upside down from that.

Why do satellites have different frequency bands?

This is due to the waveforms created during signal transmission, as identical frequency transmissions disrupt the distance and clarity of the signal. In all, there are four commonly used satellite transmission bands.