Can parents force you to keep your door open?

Can parents force you to keep your door open?

Originally Answered: is it right for my parents to force me to keep my bedroom door open? Yes. They can even take the door off the hinges, if they want. There is no legal or moral law requiring you to have a private bedroom.

Why do teenagers like their door closed?

At some point, your teen will want more privacy and he or she – just like my son – might start locking the door. Wanting more privacy at this stage is perfectly natural. Maybe your kid wants to dance to her favorite pop song. Perhaps she’s got some private text messages or phone calls she wants to make.

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Why do parents remove doors?

Usually parents do this because their kid is hiding something and/or cannot be trusted. That’s on the kid rather than the parent. If they don’t want their doors taken off, then they need to stop behaving in ways that cause that to happen. They need to come clean and need to show they can be trusted.

Is it OK to sleep with door closed?

Research from UL’s Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FRSI) shows that closing your bedroom door helps prevent a fire from spreading, lessens smoke damage and could even save lives. Just like having the right homeowners insurance, a little preparation can go a long way to help you rest easy.

Is it better to sleep with the door open or closed?

According to a recent survey by the safety science organization UL, nearly 60\% of people sleep with their bedroom door open. That’s because in addition to reducing toxic smoke, a closed door can help to limit the spread of flames by restricting oxygen and decreasing temperatures.

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Do you trust your daughter to keep the door open?

I trust my daughter, but still, the door must stay open. Not that they can’t do whatever it is they are going to do whether the door is open or closed, or whenever they are not here. Our open door policy is not about trust, but rules. Teens need rules. And the rule in our house is, if there are boys in your room, the door is open.

How do I get my child to stop knocking on doors?

Let them know that you’d appreciate it if they would always knock before entering your room. Try posting a friendly sign on your door. Reward them with candy when they comply. Also, try modeling the behavior you’d like to see in them by knocking or announcing your entrance into their private spaces.

How do you ask someone to let you close the door?

If you’ve not done anything wrong, you could ask them to give you a chance to prove you can be trusted, by allowing you to close the door. And if you violate the trust (by smoking, gaming, drugging, using your computer to do bad stuff, etc.), they can take the door off its hinges so that you’ll never be able to close it again.

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Why do I walk into the kitchen when I Go Home?

To keep from thinking what they are doing up there, or what they are doing when we are not home or when they are over at his house, I walk into the kitchen. His mom pops into my mind – sure she sounded nice in her text message to me the other day but what if they are “door closed” kind of parents?