
How much weight can Vegeta lift?

How much weight can Vegeta lift?

They can move 1000 tons.

What is the heaviest thing Goku can lift?

Super Saiyan God Goku can lift up to 15,120,000,000,000 tonnes!

How much were the weights Goku and Vegeta lifted?

By this logic Vegeta and Goku are lifting about 50/x the weigh Vegeta lifts at 500xG, that being 250,000,000 tons, something that would most likely sink into ground.

How heavy is Magetta?

Extreme Weight – As a Metal Man, Magetta weighs over 1,000 tons.

Can Vegeta destroy a galaxy?

Saiyan Saga Vegeta’s power level was 32,000. Let’s low-ball SSJ Blue Vegeta at 32 sextillion. He could destroy the entire solar system without breaking a sweat, probably the whole Milky Way Galaxy. If he went SSJ Blue Evolution, he could easily destroy a few dozen galaxies.

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Can Vegeta destroy a planet?

Vegeta used a bomb attack to destroy the world. Because this was an anime-only ability though, he didn’t utilize that move again in the future of the series. However, Vegeta still is eventually shown to have the power to destroy worlds.

What power level is Saitama?

Saitama is around 4,000. Saitama defeated lord Boros and Orochi – guys who could destroy planets. So he s at least planet level.

Can Kid Gohan destroy a planet?

Once he fully activated his powers, he was able to showcase his power by casually destroying an entire planet with his Omega Blaster. The energy charges up with green energy before Broly casually throws it off.

How well do you know Vegeta from Dragon Ball?

Vegeta is one of the most well-known characters on Dragon Ball, but there are some things about him that don’t make any sense. When an anime has run on television for well over three decades, it isn’t surprising to have quite a bit of character progression. After all, what show doesn’t have a few villains that suddenly have a change of heart?

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Can Vegeta lift a 1000 ton?

Vegeta can’t lift 1000 ton lmao. Yeah, Toriyama you’re still stuck with 40 ton. Good job smh I dont know why people find it weird, Goku wasnt able to lift 40 tons in base. Why Vegeta would have been able to lift 1 000?

Did Vegeta ever try to lift maggeta?

No in the precious page Vegeta actually trying to lift Maggeta. But this may be deemed as an outlier because weaker characters have been shown to lift much more… Like piccolo lifting the pyramids or Goku slowing down an Island. There is also Goku blocking punches and pushing beerus Back and that guy had the force to run through planets.

Could Vegeta defeat Broly in Dragon Ball Super?

However, given the fact that Broly has been noticeably absent from the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super , it’s quite probable that Vegeta’s training has allowed him to go toe-to-toe with this rampaging Saiyan and emerge victorious.