
Can an orthodox be a Catholic godparent?

Can an orthodox be a Catholic godparent?

If by “Orthodox-Catholic” you mean the (Eastern) Orthodox Church, in communion with the patriarch of Constantinople et al., then yes, you can be godparent to a child in the Catholic Church.

Do you need to be Orthodox to be a godparent?

These days, the church requires that at least one of the godparents is an Orthodox Christian of good standing. The other godparent doesn’t have to be Orthodox but both do need to be approved by the church or your priest. Only one godparent is really needed but a second can be chosen to assist in the process.

Do you have to be the same religion to be a godparent?

In churches mandating a sponsor, only one godparent is required; two (in most churches, of different sex) are permitted. Many Protestant denominations permit but do not require godparents to join the infant’s natural parents as sponsors. In the Roman Catholic Church, godparents must be of the Catholic faith.

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Are the Greek Orthodox Catholic?

Conclusion. With the Great Schism, the 2 churches drifted apart and there became small differences. Though of different ideals, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox are both Christians. The Catholic Churches have changed a lot, and continue to change while the Orthodox have not.

How can I be a good Catholic godparent?

First and foremost, a godparent must be a person of deep faith. His or her responsibility is to help assist in developing and establishing faith in another, so it is essential that he or she understands Catholic teaching and lives the faith on a deep, personal daily basis.

Can an Orthodox priest be a godfather?

1) The Sponsor (Godfather or Godmother) must be an Orthodox Christian. If the Sponsor is married, the marriage must have been blessed by an Orthodox priest. 2) The role of the Sponsor is directly related to infant baptism.

Can you get married in a Greek Orthodox church if you are not Greek Orthodox?

While non-Orthodox Christians can marry in the Orthodox Church, an Orthodox Christian is not allowed to marry in a non-Orthodox Church or ceremony. This means that they are barred from partaking in any sacraments of the Church, whether it be communion, or even an Orthodox funeral.

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Do Catholic godparents have to be confirmed?

We hope that parents choose godparents who will take an active role in the faith formation of their child. The church requires at least one godparent who is a practicing, confirmed Catholic age 16 or older. That godparent’s name is entered into the parish record book as the “official” godparent or sponsor for baptism.

Can a Protestant marry an Orthodox?

The Catholic Church recognizes as sacramental, (1) the marriages between two baptized Protestants or between two baptized Orthodox Christians, as well as (2) marriages between baptized non-Catholic Christians and Catholic Christians, although in the latter case, consent from the diocesan bishop must be obtained, with …

Do Orthodox bishops marry?

In the Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodoxy, celibacy is the norm for bishops; married men may be ordained to the priesthood, but even married priests whose wives pre-decease them are not allowed to remarry after ordination.

Does the Catholic Church allow women to be baptized in Orthodoxy?

Yes, it does. The person baptized as Catholic is considered baptized by the Orthodox church. Catholics permit such a person to take part in Orthodox sacraments, but the Orthodox don’t, for some reason. Do women in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches have to cover their heads in their churches?

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Can Roman Catholics be ordained in the Orthodox Church?

Concerning Roman Catholic orders: Within the OCA Roman Catholic clergy generally are received into the Orthodox Church through “vesting”; that is, they are not ordained anew. While there are some Orthodox Christians today who would not follow this practice, there is evidence that this was in fact the practice in Russia several centuries ago.

Can the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy coexist?

While Eastern Orthodox Christians have much in common with Catholics, they’re still in schism–they’ve split off from the legitimate authority of the pope–and therefore aren’t Catholics. Overcoming the rift between the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy is at the top of Pope John Paul II’s ecumenical agenda.

Are Orthodox Christians allowed to receive the Eucharist in Roman Catholicism?

Hence, while Roman Catholicism may extend Eucharistic hospitality to Orthodox Christians, it does not mean that Orthodox Christians are permitted to accept such hospitality. For Orthodox Christians, the Eucharist is a visible sign of unity; to receive the Eucharist in a community to which one does not belong is improper.