Can Greek Orthodox go to Catholic Church?

Can Greek Orthodox go to Catholic Church?

Yes, the Roman Catholic church is okay with Greek Orthodox people receiving communion. It’s a yes and no question. The Greek Orthodox is not okay with Roman Catholics receiving communion in the Greek Orthodox or anyone else who is not in communion with the Greek Orthodox church.

Can Orthodox people go to Catholic Church?

The Orthodox church does have valid sacraments that the Catholic Church recognizes, but from what I understand the Orthodox church will not permit a Catholic to receive communion. Going to an Orthodox church when no Catholic Church is available, will fulfill a Catholic’s mass attendance requirement also.

Can Greek Orthodox get married in a Catholic church?

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This means that marriages can in fact occur between a Greek Orthodox groom and a say a Roman Catholic bride, as long as the marriage takes place in an Orthodox Church. However, while inter-faith marriages such as these are allowed, an Orthodox Christian is not allowed to marry a non-Christian.

Is Greek Orthodox the same as Greek Catholic?

Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox believers both believe in the same God. 2. Roman Catholics deem the Pope as infallible, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t. Latin is the main language used during Roman Catholic services, while Greek Orthodox churches use native languages.

How is Greek Orthodox different from Catholic?

The Catholic Church believes the pope to be infallible in matters of doctrine. Orthodox believers reject the infallibility of the pope and consider their own patriarchs, too, as human and thus subject to error. Most Orthodox Churches have both ordained married priests and celibate monastics, so celibacy is an option.

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Can a Greek Orthodox receive Catholic communion?

Thus, a member of the Russian Orthodox Church attending the Divine Liturgy in a Greek Orthodox Church will be allowed to receive communion and vice versa but, although Protestants, non-Trinitarian Christians, or Catholics may otherwise fully participate in an Orthodox Divine Liturgy, they will be excluded from …

Why did the Orthodox and Catholic Church split?

Eastern Orthodox Catholics and Roman Catholics are the result of what is known as the East-West Schism (or Great Schism) of 1054, when medieval Christianity split into two branches. The Byzantine split with Roman Catholicism came about when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, King of the Franks, as Holy Roman Emperor in 800.

What is the difference between Catholicism and Orthodox?

1. Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox believers both believe in the same God. 2. Roman Catholics deem the Pope as infallible, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t. 3. Roman Catholics believe that Mary is free from original sin, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t.

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How to become Catholic?

Steps to Becoming Catholic for the Unbaptized. Preparation for reception into the Church begins with the inquiry stage,in which the unbaptized person begins to learn about the Catholic faith

  • Preparation for Christians.
  • Peace with God.
  • Reception in Special Cases.
  • Waiting for the Day!
  • Are Greek Orthodox considered Catholic?

    The two major divisions of the Catholic church are the Greek, or Eastern, and the Latin, or Western. The Western Catholic branch is also known as the Roman Catholic church, and the Eastern Catholic branch is also known as the Greek Orthodox church.