
Can guys just be friends?

Can guys just be friends?

Sociologists have documented that men and women can indeed just be friends and that there are actually benefits that come with cross-sex friendships — like learning from the other side how to best attract a mate — that you can’t get from same-sex friendships.

Can a man be friends with a woman he finds attractive?

Totally! I’m friends with a few girls I find attractive (one girl literally every guy had a crush on a couple years back). So yes! Relationships can be completely platonic between people that find each other physically attractive.

Can a guy and a girl be just friends?

Guys And Girls Can Be Just Friends, But You Will Fall For Him. Jealousy, love and lust don’t always last. Therefore, it is possible to be friends with the opposite sex, even after you hook up. However, it does require a lot of work. Honesty is important and being upfront about each other’s feelings is imperative.

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Why are guys so afraid to ask me out?

Guys are afraid to ask you out because they think you’re dating one of your guy friends. It’s like you need to wear a sign that advertises your single status 24/7 in order to get across that you and your guy friends are just, well, FRIENDS. 9. Or they’re convinced you’ll end up dating one of your guys friends.

Why do my guy friends get protective over me?

Your guy friends get protective if they don’t like the person you’re into. The thing is, they’re horrible at expressing why they don’t like them. When you ask them why, they’re just like, “F*** them,” or “He’s a jerk!” And you’re just like, but WHY?! 11. And expressing feelings is pretty much not a thing.

Why won’t he be friends with Me Without Benefits?

Firstly, the guys who won’t be friends with you without “benefits” aren’t guys worth your time. They see you primarily as a fantasy/ideal/object (so many slashes, so much caffeine driving them), and you don’t need that kind of drama screwing up healthier relationships.