
Is Amharic worth learning?

Is Amharic worth learning?

By learning and practicing Amharic you’ll be promoting linguistic diversity. Speaking Amharic, or other less commonly taught languages, makes an important contribution to protecting linguistic diversity in the world and avoiding the exclusive generalization of a single language in a globalized world.

Is Amharic a dying language?

Out of the about eighty Ethiopian languages, including the majority languages Amharic and Oromo, half are declared endangered by Unesco.

Do people still use Amharic?

It is spoken as a first language by the Amharas, and also serves as a lingua franca for other populations residing in major cities and towns of Ethiopia….

Writing system Geʽez script (Amharic syllabary) Ge’ez Braille
Signed forms Signed Amharic
Official status
Official language in Ethiopia
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What language is closest to Amharic?

Amharic is an Afro-Asiatic language of the Southwest Semitic group and is related to Geʿez, or Ethiopic, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox church; it also has affinities with Tigré, Tigrinya, and the South Arabic dialects.

Is Amharic a beautiful language?

In addition to having a beautiful script and being spoken in a beautiful country, Amharic plays an interesting role in the history of Rastafarianism and is a Semitic language, meaning it’s distantly related to Arabic and Hebrew. Which is all to say, I have a serious crush on Amharic.

Is Amharic difficult to learn?

Difficulty. How difficult is it to learn Amharic? Amharic is considered to be a Category III language in terms of difficulty for speakers of English.

Is Amharic similar to Aramaic?

No, they are two separate languages (although they both belong to the Semitic language family). Amharic is the official working language of Ethiopia. Aramaic is a dead language that used to be spoken in the Near East (it was the language spoken by Jesus).

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What percentage of Ethiopia speaks Amharic?


Distribution of languages of Ethiopia (2007)
Amharic 29.3\%
Somali 6.2\%
Tigrinya 5.9\%
Sidamo 4\%

How difficult is Amharic?

Ethiopian Amharic is a fascinating language. Well, with its difficult writing system and a kinda complex grammar i’d say it is a hard language for an English speaker to learn. Vocabulary – If you have a background in Arabic then you will have an advantage picking up new words.

Why is Amharic difficult?

Amharic is a Semitic language. So, if you have come from Europe or Western to practice the Language,it will be difficult for certain. Because there are words or sounds which anyone is not able to say them correctly.

Is Amharic a difficult language to learn?

Amharic is a fascinating and maddeningly complicated language that in some areas is still spoken like Shakespearean (old) English. I heard somewhere that the British government once surveyed its staff in over 150 embassies worldwide and asked them to rank the languages they considered (or found) most difficult to master.

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What is the difference between ‘how’ and ‘Are You’ in Amharic?

“How” translates to “endet”. “Are you” translates into “neh” for a man and “nesh” for a woman. The word “You” doesn’t refer to both genders in amharic language. Therefore if you are asking a woman you say “Endet nesh?”

How do you say “I am fine” in Amharic?

You then have slang, where the response አለን (which translates literally as “we have” or “we are”) is used as a substitute for “I am fine”. Amharic is a fascinating and maddeningly complicated language that in some areas is still spoken like Shakespearean (old) English.

How many genders are there in Amharic verbs?

As in other Semitic languages, Amharic verbs use a combination of prefixes and suffixes to indicate the subject, distinguishing 3 persons, two numbers, and (in all persons except first-person and “honorific” pronouns) two genders.