
Who can kill Spinosaurus?

Who can kill Spinosaurus?

“Whichever one got in the first big bite would have probably won a fight.” In the film it is the Tyrannosaurus that got the first big bite and should have won the fight. Moreover, with a bite force of 3.5-6.5 metric tons the T. rex should have bitten the Spinosaurus head off.

What dinosaur is stronger than Spinosaurus?

In the movie Jurassic Park III, the Spinosaurus is the biggest and baddest dinosaur yet, a worse villain even than Tyrannosaurus rex. Could Spinosaurus in fact defeat T….Spinosaurus vs. T. rex.

Spinosaurus T. rex
Walked on two legs? Yes Yes
Long tail? Yes Yes
Huge, powerful jaws? Yes Yes
Carnivore? Yes Yes

Can a mosasaurus kill a Spinosaurus?

Fight with Spinosaurus Mosasaurus attacks Spinosaurus, but couldn’t land a hit until, he crush Spinosaurus onto the ocean floor and tosses him to the ice sheet above and crash into Spinosaurus. However, Spinosaurus uses the icicles above to kill Mosasaurus and was successful, thus killing Mosasaurus.

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Can deinosuchus kill Spinosaurus?

Despite lacking armor and a weaker skull, Spinosaurus might be too much for Deinosuchus to take, on land at least. Spinosaurus wasn’t as terrestrial either, but it seems better equipped here plus a possible size advantage gives it the win.

Can a Spinosaurus defeat a T-Rex?

Yes, the Spinosaurus was markedly larger than the T. Rex, but it also lacked the muscle and bite power to do any serious damage. Meanwhile, the T. rex had a powerful bite, but it also lacked speed and agility.

Who would win Sarcosuchus vs Spinosaurus?

As far as we know, Spinosaurus was the largest carnivorous dinosaur that ever lived, outweighing the much later Tyrannosaurus Rex by one or two tons, while Sarcosuchus (also known as SuperCroc) was twice the length of the largest modern crocodiles and ten times as heavy.

Did Deinosuchus eat Trex?

So we may never know if Deinosuchus actually ate a T. rex, but the 33-foot monster with crushing jaws would probably have no problem with one. The marks its outsize teeth left on dinosaur bones was indicative of its ferocity (even though bite force was not an objective of the study).

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Who would win in a fight between T Rex and Spinosaurus?

But if a fight between the two were to happen, T. rex would most likely have the advantage. The Jurassic Park 3 fight between the two showed the T. rex start off the fight by clamping down on Spinosaurus ’s neck. The fight would have ended right there.

How did Spinosaurus become popular?

(Stromer) It wasn’t until the 1980s that paleontologists were able to match new specimens to the drawings of the original specimen from 1910. (Buffetaut) A few years later, Spinosaurus became popularized by the 2001 movie Jurassic Park 3, which featured a fight between it and a T. rex, where Spinosaurus emerged victorious.

How big was Spinosaurus compared to T Rex?

(Bailey) Spinosaurus was about 59 feet, making it almost 20 feet longer than T. rex, but it weighed perhaps six tons, which is less than the average T. rex. Its skull is sleek and looks almost like a crocodile’s skull.