
What is the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

What is the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict: Each Side’s Contrasting Narratives. Then followed the much discussed Resolution 242. The UN stipulated that Israel should withdraw essentially to the 1967 borders, as part of an overall agreement and a recognition of Israel’s right to live in peace and security.

What were the weaknesses of the Israel-Palestinian deal?

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict: Each Side’s Contrasting Narratives. There were some weaknesses in the deal—for example—ambiguity over control of the air space over the projected Palestinian state. The real weakness was that the Barak coalition had unravelled and he was now in a minority in the Knesset.

Why can’t we just eliminate Gaza from the Israel-Palestine negotiations?

You cannot eliminate Gaza from the negotiations either because then there would be a rift between the two groups of Palestine. By moving to a two-nation settlement instead, you get to create a separate Israel and Palestine that can work independently to form a government that meets their needs.

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Do Jews and Muslims support Israel or Palestine?

To come down completely on the side of one or the other doesn’t seem rational to me. It is telling that most Muslims around the world support Palestinians, and most Jews support Israel. This, of course, is natural — but it’s also problematic. It means that this is not about who’s right or wrong as much as which tribe or nation you are loyal to.

How does Corey Gil-Shuster cover the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Corey Gil-Shuster covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a new way. He asks the world what it wants to know from and about Israelis and Palestinians, goes to the streets of Israel and the West Bank to get the answers and posts the unedited responses on YouTube.

What is the true story of the Israeli conflict?

The Israeli story emphasizes their long-time historic attachment to the land, the legitimacy granted by the UN partition plan, the hostility and constant threat of wars coming from their neighbors, and the rejection of their peace offers. Underlying it all is the ever-present trauma of the holocaust. They leave out their own role.