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Why is the spring considered massless?

Why is the spring considered massless?

Hi, In a real spring–mass system, the spring has a non-negligible mass m. Since not all of the spring’s length moves at the same velocity v as the suspended mass M, its kinetic energy is not equal to 1/2mv^2.

Is a spring massless?

The spring constant, mass, and amplitude can be varied. The spring obeys Hooke’s Law throughout the spring’s range of motion, i.e. the amount by which the spring is stretched from its unstretched length is proportional to the force applied to the spring. The spring is massless.

What happens if spring has mass?

As the spring becomes compressed and the mass slows down, its kinetic energy is transformed into elastic potential energy. As this transformation occurs, the total amount of mechanical energy is conserved.

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How does Hookes law relate to Springs?

Hooke’s Law is a principle of physics that states that the that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that distance. This ability to return to a normal shape after experiencing distortion can be referred to as a “restoring force”.

What is the relation between effective mass and mass of the spring?

The effective mass of a spring which is uniform along its length (not tapered or distorted by use) is equal to one-third of its actual mass. For a non-uniform spring, the effective mass can vary slightly with the attached mass; we will disregard this small variation.

What is a spring mass?

What is Spring Mass System? A spring-mass system in simple terms can be described as a spring sytem where a block is hung or attached at the free end of the spring. The spring-mass system can usually be used to find the period of any object performing the simple harmonic motion.

What is the purpose of Hooke’s Law?

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Hooke’s law, law of elasticity discovered by the English scientist Robert Hooke in 1660, which states that, for relatively small deformations of an object, the displacement or size of the deformation is directly proportional to the deforming force or load.

What is the effective mass of the spring how is it different from the actual mass?

Why do we say that a spring is elastic?

A weight hanging on a spring stretches the spring. An additional weight would stretch it further. If the weights are removed, the spring returns to its original length. Therefore, we say that the spring is elastic.

Why do we consider spring massless in Hook’s law?

Hooke’s law is dependent on the spring extension and spring constant and is independent on the mass of the we consider spring massless in Hook’s law. The Hooke’s law experiment performed to find out the spring constant of the spring. The original length of the spring before applying load is measured.

How do you calculate Hooke’s law?

Hooke’s Law states that: FS = kx (9.1) Here k is the spring constant, which is a quality particular to each spring, and x is the distance the spring is stretched or compressed. The force FS is a restorative force and its direction is opposite (hence the minus sign) to the direction of the spring’s displacement x.

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What is Hooke’s law and elastic energy?

Hooke’s law and elastic energy: Elastic Energy is the elastic potential energy due to the stored deformation of the stretching and compression of an elastic object, such as stretching and release of the spring. According to Hook’s law, the force required is directly proportional to the amount of stretch of the spring.

Why is there a negative sign in hooks law?

While representing hooks law for springs, the negative sign is always presented before the product of the spring constant and the deformation even though the force is not applied. The restoring force, which gives the deformation to the spring and the spring, is already in the opposite direction to that of the applied force.