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How does the zombie virus work in The Walking Dead?

How does the zombie virus work in The Walking Dead?

In the case of a bite from a walker the victim receives a massive dose of the virus. In such a case the pathogen spreads into the brain like meningitis infecting the synapses in the brain stem. Eventually the virus causes the adrenal glands to hemorrhage and the brain to shutdown followed by the major organs.

What caused everyone to turn into zombies in The Walking Dead?

According to a laser sword-wielding Michonne, an unknown alien civilization caused the dead to come back to life and attack humans, with the survivors being turned into a slave race to harvest water the aliens used as currency. “Maybe years after it’s all over I’ll just casually mention it in an interview.

Why are there no zombie animals in The Walking Dead?

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While there had been many theories regarding the source of the outbreak, Kirkman has confirmed that the infection was due to a “space spore.” Even though animals continue going through the circle of life in the fictional universe with the same exposure to what affects humans, they will never become infected.

What are the zombies really eating in The Walking Dead?

The zombies are eating ham. Instead of chowing down on long pig, the actors playing walkers wrap their lips around juicy bits of ham. They used to get barbecue sauce to help it go down, but the vinegar messed up their make-up, so now it’s just ham with fake blood all over it.

What happens end of Walking Dead?

Lucille Dies, Negan Lives By the time, Negan returns with the drugs, it’s too late. Lucille is dead and come back as a walker. It’s a moment that would break anyone, and it certainly changes Negan.

How long was Rick in a coma for?

According to former Fear the Walking Dead showrunner Dave Erickson, Robert Kirkman has said that Rick was in a coma between four and five weeks [via Business Insider].

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Why do walkers eat?

They are dead flesh being propelled to movement and aggression by an unknown agent. They will attack anything that is warm and living, and anything they attack, they will be compelled to eat, until something distracts them or their dinner gets up and walks away.

Can the walkers see?

Definitely not. In fact, they not only have sight, they can still smell & hear as well. We have seen several instances of the Walkers being attracted to light sources, and bright colours. Earlier this season, Rick mentioned that the Alexandrians should either cover their windows, or better yet not use any lights.

How do The Walking Dead’s zombies withstand the change of seasons?

The Walking Dead has touched on the change of seasons, most notably when the survivors fought through a winter blizzard in season 9. The resulting zombies were affected by the sudden storm, but this begs the question as to how they manage to withstand harsh elements year over year without issue.

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How is the disease spread in The Walking Dead?

Everyone in The Walking Dead universe somehow contracted the pathogen that, for reasons and through means unknown, brings the dead back to “life.” It is unknown how the disease is spread, though its apparently total infection rate worldwide suggests it is either waterborne, airborne, or both.

Who are the walkers in The Walking Dead?

Zombies, also more commonly known as Walkers, are the central antagonists of The Walking Dead universe.

What happens to the body after death in The Walking Dead?

As far as The Walking Dead has revealed, the virus responsible for the zombie outbreak reanimates the brain and gives it enough juice to turn a corpse into a bipedal nibble machine. Just as the rate of decay makes little sense, so too does the lack of bugs responsible for breaking down the body after death.