
Why are Internet recipes so long?

Why are Internet recipes so long?

Food bloggers use long-form content because it improves their search engine optimization (SEO). That recipe for zucchini bread might be almost exactly the same across ten different blogs. But the addition of original long-form narrative content—called headnotes—boosts its SEO.

Why do online recipes have stories?

People create blogs because they want to write, not because they want to share recipes. The recipes are only there to give them something to write about, as simply relating a recipe is not actually writing. For the people who write them, the stories are the point.

Why is there so much text before recipes?

It’s true that many (if not most) food bloggers write long narratives preceding their recipes. Sometimes, they explain how they developed the recipe. They might share a story about the dish providing them comfort in a difficult time, or how cooking the dish with a loved one healed a broken relationship.

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Where do bloggers get their recipes?

Where Do You Get The Inspiration For Your Recipes?

  • friends and family.
  • restaurants.
  • magazines.
  • seasonal produce.
  • other blogs.
  • my constant food cravings.

Are recipes online copyrighted?

Copyright does not protect recipes, “That are mere listings of ingredients,” However, it can, “Extend to to substantial literary expression – a description, explanation, or illustration, for example – that accompanies a recipe or formula…” What this means is that the basics of a recipe are not copyright protected.

Are recipes copyrightable?

Recipes can be protected under copyright law if they are accompanied by “substantial literary expression.” This expression can be an explanation or detailed directions, which is likely why food and recipe bloggers often share stories and personal anecdotes alongside a recipe’s ingredients.

Do recipe blogs make money?

How exactly food bloggers make a living has long felt like a mystery, but thanks to the Ostroms we can see precisely how they function as a business. They make money mostly from ads and sponsored content, but have other avenues for revenue from Amazon partnerships and their e-book.

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What makes a great recipe website?

Everyone has their go to or their favorite recipe website. This could be based on many different factors or could simply be the first site that pops up when you google search. What constitutes a great recipe website is an easy access, great information with little to no fluff and lots of visual aids like pictures and videos.

Is Pinterest a good place to find Great Recipes?

Websites like Pinterest make it easy to discover recipes from small, lesser-known food blogs — recipes that are potentially more interesting than those from big-name food sites, but also a little more risky.

Is epicepicurious a good website for cooking recipes?

Epicurious was launched in 1998, and it has been providing top-quality recipes since. However, unlike other recipe websites that brag of the number of visitors they have, this platform takes pride in the quality of recipes and food-related content it provides.

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What should you look for in a recipe?

Look for specificity, both in the ingredients and the instructions. A good recipe writer knows that readers need some level of detail in order to successfully replicate their dishes. “I look for specifics in the ingredients,” says Stephanie Weaver of Recipe Renovator.