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How does Santa Claus relate to Christianity?

How does Santa Claus relate to Christianity?

Although Santa Claus is a mythical figure, his creation is based in part on a great Christian man named Saint Nicholas of Myra, who lived in the 4th century. Nicholas was born to Christian parents who left him an inheritance when they died, which he distributed to the poor.

What does Bible say about celebrating Christmas?

As Jesus said in Luke 16:15, “That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” More importantly, though, Christians are commanded in Galatians 4:10-11 to not observe days of the year such as Christmas, for they are an abomination to the Lord God.

Do some Christians not believe in Christmas?

Millions of Christians do not observe Christmas. Among them are Quakers, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and members of the Churches of Christ. Among the largest group of Christmas-shunners are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which number close to 2 million in the United States, Kellner writes. …

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Is a Christmas tree religious?

Originally derived from pagan religious celebrations in Europe, the Christmas Tree was adopted by Christianity but never entirely at home in it. Today the Christmas Tree can be a completely secular symbol of Christmas celebrations. It’s curious that Christians latch on to it as if it were inherently Christian.

Is Santa Claus secular or religious?

Forget the problem of god – what about the problem of Santa? Even Santa Claus, originally based on a christian bishop (and possibly even earlier pagan legends), is now a completely secular figure. Santa himself, from a secular or religious point of view, is not without problems for the thinking child.

What do you call people who are scared of Santa?

Santaphobia, or Clausophobia, is the fear of Santa Claus.

What religion doesnt celebrate Christmas?

Jehovah’s Witness This religious organisation is one of the biggest group of Christmas-shunners. The interesting thing is that they were not always this way. Once upon a time, Jehovah’s Witnesses used to observe Christmas. This was until 1928, after further study by one official.

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What does the Bible say about putting up a Christmas tree?

Deuteronomy 16:21 says: Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto the altar of the LORD thy God, which thou shalt make thee. All in all, whether you put up a Christmas tree or not, the worship should always be about the Lord and nothing else.