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Why does Fudge not like Dumbledore?

Why does Fudge not like Dumbledore?

Fudge began his career in the Ministry as Junior Minister in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Instead, he used his influence at the Daily Prophet to launch a smear campaign against both Harry and Albus Dumbledore, as Fudge was paranoid that Dumbledore was after his job and was simply telling lies.

Is Fudge good or bad Harry Potter?

Fudge is, indeed, a bad leader. His most egregious failure is his refusal to believe the evidence of Voldemort’s return. However, even before his wrongheaded and vindictive campaign of persecution against Dumbledore and Harry to suppress their voices, Fudge proves he is a bad leader.

Is Cornelius Fudge good or bad?

Cornelius Fudge might not be Voldemort levels of evil, but his refusal to see the truth lead him to do a lot of awful things. He used the Daily Prophet as a propaganda machine to spread lies about Voldemort’s return and to try to discredit Harry and Dumbledore.

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What Hogwarts house was Rita Skeeter in?

Rita Skeeter
Biographical information
House Ravenclaw
Loyalty Hogwarts

Is Grindelwald Dumbledore’s boyfriend?

Translation for the non-Harry Potter set: Dumbledore and Grindelwald are both wizards introduced in the original Rowling books; Rowling revealed after publishing her series that Dumbledore was gay, and very much in love with Grindelwald.

Why was Cornelius Fudge in denial?

Fudge knew in his heart that the only reason he was minister is because things were good. He loved being minister more than doing his duty. This caused him to be in deep denial of the facts. It didn’t help that he felt threatened by Dumbledore who was perfectly qualified for the job.

Who did Pansy Parkinson marry?

pansy Parkinson
Biographical information
Family members [Blaise Zabini] (Husband) Carmen Zabini (Daughter) Marco Zabini (Son)
Magical characteristics