
Why didnt Fudge expel Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban?

Why didnt Fudge expel Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban?

During the hearing, Fudge was incredibly biased against Harry, in the hopes to spitefully discredit and expel the boy for his claims that Lord Voldemort had returned. Fudge tried dismissing her testimony, partly due to her being a Squib, moreover why Dementors just happened to be in a Muggle suburb.

Why did Cornelius Fudge not believe Harry?

After Cedric Diggory’s death in the Tournament and Harry claiming Voldemort had returned, Fudge refused to believe it, because it would mean the end of the peace he and the Ministry had worked so hard to maintain for the last thirteen years.

Why did Harry get annoyed with Aunt Marge?

Harry was young, not so good at controlling his emotions, and not so good at controlling his magic. Aunt Marge had taunted and bullied him for a whole week, and ending the torture off by becoming drunk, and the tipping point was when she insulted his parents.

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Did Harry inflate Marge?

Harry lost his temper and unknowingly used an Inflating Charm on her. Aunt Marge then blew up like a balloon, floated to the ceiling, then outside to the open sky. The Ministry of Magic eventually sent the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to retrieve and puncture her before wiping her memory of the event.

Why did Cornelius Fudge deny Voldemort?

Fudge knew there were smarter wizards who inspired more loyalty than himself (such as Dumbledore), and people would want someone else to lead magical Britain in the aftermath of Voldemort’s return. So in the end, Fudge’s refusal of Voldemort’s return lies in the fact that he was a bumbling man who liked to be in power.

Why does Cornelius Fudge deny Voldemort has returned?

Fudge refused to believe that Voldemort was back because he was more concerned with keeping his job and thought that allowing the wizarding community to life in ignorance would help his cause. Fudge is a stubborn coward.

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Who blew up Marge?

Marge’s insults to the memory of both Harry Potter’s parents, James and Lily Potter, got the thirteen-year-old wizard upset, and he lost control of his magic, unintentionally casting the Inflating Charm on his aunt, making her blow up like a balloon and float about the room.

What was Aunt Marge’s big mistake?

At Dudley’s fifth birthday party, Aunt Marge had whacked Harry around the shins… See Timeline of Dudley Dursley for more information on when exactly this would have been. A few years later, she had turned up at Christmas with a computerized robot for Dudley and a box of dog biscuits for Harry.

What spell did Harry use on Marge?

Inflating Charm
The Inflating Charm (Inflatus) was a charm (sometimes referred to as a jinx) that inflated the target.

Who is Minister Fudge in Harry Potter?

Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge, O.M. (First Class), was a British wizard who was the Minister for Magic from 1990-1996. He thus had complete control of the Ministry of Magic, the main governing body of the British wizarding world.

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Why did Fudge want Harry Potter to stay at Hogwarts?

I mean …” Fudge absolutely wanted Harry to be in a safe place (Hogwarts), because the Ministry believed that Sirius had betrayed the Potters, and that he was breaking out of Azkaban to come after Harry. That’s the main reason why he waived the penalty for underage magic.

Who was minister Cornelius Fudge?

You fail to recognise that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!” Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge was a British pure-blood wizard and the Minister for Magic of Great Britain, although not a very competent one, from 1990 to 1996 .

Why did Fudge waive the penalty for underage magic?

Fudge absolutely wanted Harry to be in a safe place (Hogwarts), because the Ministry believed that Sirius had betrayed the Potters, and that he was breaking out of Azkaban to come after Harry. That’s the main reason why he waived the penalty for underage magic. “I—not—I haven’t got time to listen to house-elves!