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Who would win Nihilus or Sion?

Who would win Nihilus or Sion?

If Sion wanted to win, he would keep resurrecting himself until Nihilus is forced to consume himself. On the other hand, Nihilus can drain the life from a third party and use that against Sion. Eventually Sion would find the pain too unbearable and he would die.

Who can defeat Abeloth?

Simultaneously, near the Font of Power, Ben killed Abeloth’s avatar High Lord Korelei with a shikkar. With the death of her last two bodies and the destruction of her Force essence, Abeloth died. Her body fell away pulling the tentacles with her and leaving Krayt and Luke holding pieces of her essence.

Is Darth nihilus the most powerful Force user?

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Darth Nihilus was an extremely powerful Sith Lord, and most likely in the top 10. Anyone who wasn’t an experienced Force user in his presence alone would eventually turn into a husk without Nihilus even attempting to do so. His draining feats did make him an extremely powerful Sith, but also extremely vulnerable.

What happens to vestara Khai?

Vestara was a member of the strike team sent to recover Ship and kill Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, but the Sith were defeated by Skywalker and his son, Ben. The team’s sole survivor, Vestara fled to the planet Dathomir, where she sent a message to her Tribe and lived under the protection of the Dathomiri Witches.

Who was Darth nihilus master?

Darth Nihilus was a Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the Old Republic Era. He was trained by his master Darth Traya, through which he became a member of the Sith Triumvirate known as the Lord of Hunger.

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What would happen if Darth Nihlus killed Lord Sion?

However, despite all the pain and anger, if he lacked a connection to the Force, Nihlus would kill him. So, in a fight, what would happen would be that Darth Nihlus would simply drain the Force from Sion, and then allow all of his previous wounds and injuries to catch up to him, killing the Lord of Pain.

Are Darth Revan and Exar Kun related?

Darth Revan and Exar Kun were two Sith Lords that lived in the same era, but did not live at the same time. In addition, they were 2 of the most powerful Sith that had ever existed. Exar Kun was similar to Revan in many ways. As a Jedi Knight, Kun had great potential and was very strong in the Force.

What is the difference between Sion and Nihilus?

Sion and Nihilus are very different. One keeps coming back every time you think he’s struck down. Nihilus just keeps draining everything. If it was Sion and Nihilus against each other, Nihilus would try draining Sion. However, Sion would simply pull it back together and fight back.