
What did Harry Potter do to Aunt Marge?

What did Harry Potter do to Aunt Marge?

When Harry becomes angry with Aunt Marge, who has been insulting his parents, and loses control over his magical abilities, she is blown up like a barrage balloon. Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad must be dispatched from the Ministry of Magic to deal with this incident and modify Aunt Marge’s memory.

Why did Harry run away from the Dursleys?

Harry ran away from the Dursleys because he floated Aunt Marge like a helium balloon.. He might be mistreated but he still considered the Dursley House as his home So when Dumbledore had spoken with his uncle and aunt,he decided to stay back.

Where did Harry stay after blowing up Aunt Marge?

Aunt Marge tells Harry that if he had been dumped on her doorstep that she would have sent him straight to an orphanage. Harry was bursting to tell her that he would rather live in an orphanage than with the Dursleys.

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Where was Hedwig when Harry ran away?

In 1993 Harry Potter and his owl Hedwig stayed in the room after Harry ran away from Privet Drive and was picked up by the Knight Bus.

What happened to Harry Potter’s uncle and aunt?

Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley were forced from their homes to be placed under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix due to the threat of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Before the family left their home, Dudley left out a cup of tea for his cousin. Although, Harry initially viewed it as a prank.

Why did Hermione want Harry to Marauder’s Map?

Harry goes along the passageway for a long while until he finally emerges in Honeydukes sweetshop. He finds Ron and Hermione and tell them about the map. Hermione wishes Harry would turn it in, concerned that Black might know about the secret entrances on it.

Why is Azkaban so bad?

Many in authority thought Azkaban an evil place that was best destroyed. Others were afraid of what might happen to the Dementors infesting the building if they deprived them of their home. The very walls of the building seemed steeped in misery and pain, and the Dementors were determined to cling to it.

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What happened to Marge in Harry Potter 3?

Aunt Marge got filled with air and floated to the top of the Dursley’s ceiling where she stayed until the ministry of magic came, deflated her, and modified her memory.

Is Hedwig a girl?

Harry’s owl Hedwig is a two-foot tall Snowy Owl. (Portrayed as a female, it’s actually a male – you can tell because it’s pure white.) Ron Weasley, Harry’s friend, also has an owl, named Pigwidgeon, a Scops Owl.

Where is Hedwig now?

Formerly the snowy owl belonging to Harry Potter, Hedwig today remains alive, well and happy in a Japanese zoo near Tokyo. While some thought she died saving Potter from a death curse, she actually faked her demise with help from Professor Severus Snape.

How did Harry turn Marge into a balloon?

Marge’s insults to the memory of both Harry Potter’s parents, James and Lily Potter, got the thirteen-year-old wizard upset, and he lost control of his magic, unintentionally casting the Inflating Charm on his aunt, making her blow up like a balloon and float about the room.

How did Harry Potter inflate his aunt like a balloon?

Harry Potter loses control of his magic and magically inflates his aunt like a balloon. This incident took place 6 August, 1993, when Marjorie “Marge” Dursley, the sister of Harry Potter’s uncle, Vernon Dursley, visited the Dursley family at Privet Drive, in Little Whinging.

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What did Marge do to Harry Potter’s aunt?

Marge’s insults to the memory of both Harry Potter ‘s parents, James and Lily Potter, got the thirteen-year-old wizard upset, and he lost control of his magic, unintentionally casting an inflating charm (possibly Inflatus) on his aunt, making her blow up like a balloon and float about the room.

How did Marjorie Dursley anger Harry Potter?

She enraged Harry Potter when she spoke ill of his parents. This caused Harry’s magical abilities to unintentionally erupt, which resulted in her body inflating. Her memory of this incident was later purged by the Ministry of Magic. Marjorie Dursley was born somewhere in Great Britain to the Muggle Dursley family in the 1940s or 50s .

When did Aunt Marge stay at the Dursleys?

— Aunt Marge cruelly mocking the Potters [src] During the summer of 1993, she stayed at the Dursleys’ house for a week. Ignorant about Harry’s ” abnormality “, Marge was told that Harry attended St Brutus’ Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys.