Useful tips

What would you like your child grow up to be?

What would you like your child grow up to be?

What do you want your child to become in the future? I want my child to develop as a happy and confident young person so that she can deal with the situations whatever life throws at her. I want my child to develop as good human being , a balanced personality , caring , loving & not harmful to society.

What makes a toy successful?

A good toy is one that is fun for your child and suitable for his age, developmental needs, and personality. Generally, it also has one or more of the following qualities: Inspires active play. If the toy does all the work, then it loses its appeal after the first half hour.

How would you contribute to the growth of your child?


  • Show your love. Let your child know you love him or her for who he or she is, not for what he or she does.
  • Let your child know that he or she is special.
  • Praise your child.
  • Listen to your child.
  • Have family times.
  • Encourage positive peer experiences.
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What do I want from my child?

What I want for my children

  • Be kind. Above all else, be kind.
  • Don’t be scared of yourself. Don’t be scared of what you can do, of your talents.
  • But be humble. After all, no one likes a show off.
  • Be the best. The best that you can be.
  • Be human.
  • Be grateful.
  • Use your manners.
  • Don’t compare yourself to other people.

How would you describe a toy gun?

Toy guns are toys which imitate real guns, but are designed for recreational sport or casual play by children. From hand-carved wooden replicas to factory-produced pop guns and cap guns, toy guns come in all sizes, prices and materials such as wood, metal, plastic or any combination thereof.

Why toys are important for a child’s development?

Educational toys can help develop problem solving skills, teach about conflict resolution and how cause and effect work. It also teaches children about sharing, helps develop their fine and gross motor skills and nurtures their creativity and imagination.

What makes a good preschool toy?

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A toy should be sturdy and suited to the child’s age. Check the package for the toy maker’s age recommendations. Toys with small parts may be safe for preschoolers, but not for babies or toddlers. Broken toys with sharp edges should be repaired or thrown out.

What positive factors from your childhood influences will you have to contribute to the children you work with?

10 Ways to Have a Positive Influence on Your Children

  • Be available. Nothing says, “You matter” more than a busy parent stopping what they are doing and giving a child some undivided attention.
  • Be warm.
  • Listen, but don’t fix.
  • Set limits.
  • Play.
  • Be grateful.
  • Be fair.
  • Set high expectations.

How do I talk to my 9 year old?

Here are a few suggestions to aid communication:

  1. Make time to hear about the day’s activities; be sure your child knows you’re actively interested and listening carefully.
  2. Remember to talk with your kids, not at them.
  3. Ask questions that go beyond “yes” or “no” answers to prompt more developed conversation.

What are some Cool Toys from the 2000s you Forgot existed?

10 Nostalgic Kids Toys From The 2000s You Forgot Existed. 1 10 Pixel Chix. If you were a girl growing up during this time, it was very likely you had a Pixel Chix. It was first released in 2005 and was an 2 9 Heelys. 3 8 Boohbah. 4 7 Power Rangers Action Figures. 5 6 Beyblades.

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How can toys promote the development of cognitive skills?

Increasing exposure to learning early in a child’s life can be accomplished even through choosing toys which promote development of cognitive skills. Children are not only able to learn skills early on, but they can recognise and internalise social cues from their environment.

Why do toy companies make separate products for boys and girls?

Toy companies want to make a profit. Sadly, the truth is that it is much more profitable for toy companies to create separate markets for boys and for girls, each requiring their own, separate products, rather than making products that appeal to boys and girls both.

Do you have these 80s dolls left stored away from your childhood?

If you have any of these dolls left stored away from your childhood, get them out and clean them up because you just might have a small fortune on your hands. Teddy Ruxpin bears were the most popular toy for children in the 80s. Teddy was a cute fuzzy bear with an orange t-shirt that would move his eyes and read stories!