
How do you describe an apple fruit?

How do you describe an apple fruit?

The apple is a pome (fleshy) fruit, in which the ripened ovary and surrounding tissue both become fleshy and edible. When harvested, apples are usually roundish, 5–10 cm (2–4 inches) in diameter, and some shade of red, green, or yellow in colour; they vary in size, shape, and acidity depending on the variety.

What is special about fruit apple?

Apples are a good source of antioxidants, fiber, water, and several nutrients. The many healthy components of apples may contribute to fullness and reduced calorie intake. Including this fruit in a healthy and well-balanced diet may indeed be useful for weight loss.

How do you answer if you were a fruit what would you be?

Here are some examples that you can use as inspiration for your response:

  1. ‘I would be an apple. Apples can be juiced, baked, eaten on their own or in a fruit salad.
  2. ‘I would be a passionfruit. This is a hardy fruit that grows well in higher altitudes.
  3. ‘I would be a banana.
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What are the characteristics of apple?

Ten attributes were selected to describe the apple characteristics: fruitiness, acidity, sweetness, juiciness, crispness, hardness, toughness, mealiness, vegetativeness, and astringency.

How do you describe an apple to a child?

An apple is a type of fruit that is grown on an apple tree. It is called a pomaceous fruit because the plant that it grows on flowers. The flowers on an apple tree are pink or white. Most apples are ready to be harvested in autumn.

What is the benefit of apple?

Research shows the antioxidants in apples can slow the growth of cancer cells. And they can protect the cells in your pancreas, which can lower your chances of type 2 diabetes. Scientists also give apples credit for helping: Your lung strength.

What’s in an apple?

Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. They are also very filling, considering their low calorie count….Apple nutrition facts

  • Calories: 52.
  • Water: 86\%
  • Protein: 0.3 grams.
  • Carbs: 13.8 grams.
  • Sugar: 10.4 grams.
  • Fiber: 2.4 grams.
  • Fat: 0.2 grams.
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In what ways you can relate with the fruit?

APPLE: If apple is your choice, you are an extrovert enjoying the exuberance of life.

  • WATERMELON: You are a true social butterfly.
  • BANANA: You are a softie!
  • PINEAPPLE: You are quick to decide and even quicker to act.
  • MANGO: If your fruit of choice is mango, you are a person to be reckoned with.
  • PEAR:
  • What’s similar to apples?

    Well, apple fans, let’s take a look at some fruits like apples so you can make some new, tasty friends….Fruits Like Apples: 10 Fruits That Look and Taste Similar

    • Asian Pears. What is this?
    • Loquat. What is this?
    • Cherimoya. What is this?
    • Quince.
    • Sweetsop.
    • Salak.
    • Caimito.
    • Medlars.

    What questions can you ask about fruit?

    Common Questions About Fruits and Vegetables

    • “Is fruit bad for me because it contains sugar?”
    • “Are canned and frozen fruits and vegetables lower in nutrients?”
    • “Are smoothies and juices just as good as eating whole fruits and vegetables?”

    Which type of fruit is apple?

    pome fruit
    Pome fruits are members of the plant family Rosaceae, sub-family pomoideae. They are fruits that have a “core” of several small seeds, surrounded by a tough membrane.

    What is the closest fruit to an apple?

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    In exact flavor and texture you can’t really find something as an exact match to apples. Apples are considered a pome fruit and they have some cousins but they neither taste nor look like apples, like pears, loquat from Asia, quince and a few other rare fruits that are very hard to find.

    Do apples taste like apples?

    Apples are considered a pome fruit and they have some cousins but they neither taste nor look like apples, like pears, loquat from Asia, quince and a few other rare fruits that are very hard to find.

    What can I do with my apples?

    If you have a lot of apples falling this autumn and looking for the best ways to use them up, a great option would be to make apple juice. Apple juice is 88\% water making it an ideal option to hydrate yourself and comes with a fair amount of nutritional value as well.

    What are the characteristics of apple trees?

    Among the traits selected for by human growers are size, fruit acidity, color, firmness, and soluble sugar. Unusually for domesticated fruits, the wild M. sieversii origin is only slightly smaller than the modern domesticated apple.