Useful tips

What is the success rate of musicians?

What is the success rate of musicians?

The truth is, only about 0.000002\% of musicians become “successful”. According to most people’s definition anyway. Yes you read that right, 0.000002\% and that is already being generous. This is the main reason why musicians who possess an insane amount of skill and talent don’t become “successful”.

Why do people fail at music?

There are a variety of reasons musicians and indie artists fail. Some lack real talent or work ethic. Some suffer from bad timing – like starting up a hair metal band just as grunge began to take over in the early 90s. Other artists lack motivation or let their fears win.

Is it hard to make it in the music industry?

The music industry is very competitive and one of the more difficult industries to break into, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Whether you are a Music Producer, Engineer, or Artist, you still may have what it takes to break into the music industry if you work hard and take the necessary steps.

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How many undiscovered artists are there?

After analyzing a massive dataset, the music-focused analytics firm concluded that 90.7\% of all artists remain largely undiscovered — forever. Roughly 2.5\% made it past the ‘mid-size’ stage, while a scant 1.1\% achieved ‘mainstream’ or ‘mega’ status.

Why don’t more people become professional musicians?

From the millions of people who want to become professional musicians, only a handful ever do. One of the main reasons for this is that most musicians waste years pursuing the WRONG things that never bring them closer to becoming successful in this industry.

How can I become a successful professional musician?

To become a successful professional musician, you must have a strategy that gets you ‘into the music business’, ‘keeps you in the music business’ and ‘makes both you AND everyone around you thrive in the music business’. Until and unless you have that, the chance of developing a successful music career is basically zero.

Can you build a successful music career without a day job?

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It’s simply not possible to build a successful music career if you spend every moment of your free time exhausted because you work all day (at a non-musical job). One way to break free of your day job and start working full time on your music career is to develop a strategy for smoothly transitioning from one to the other.

Can amateurs succeed in the music business on their own?

Amateur musicians assume (wrongly) that they can navigate the music business on their own, without training or coaching. Instead, they are content with relying on trial and error or (even worse) simply copying what other musicians are doing. They assume that if they merely mimic what successful musicians do, they will get the same results.